Starting today, Friday – a new “Netiv Plus” will start operating on Highway 1, from the Daniel Interchange to the Harel Tunnels

by time news

The new route will allow passengers on public and cooperative transportation (3 passengers, including the driver) to bypass the traffic jams and shorten the travel time to Jerusalem. The route will operate Sunday through Thursday during the morning rush hour, between 06:30 and 09:30, and on Fridays between 12:00 and 17:00 or until Shabbat begins. Driving in an illegal lane will result in a NIS 500 fine

Published on: 2.12.22 09:14

Paving the way for public and cooperative transportation to Jerusalem: today, Friday, a new “Netiv Plus” will begin operating on Highway 1, from the Daniel Interchange to the entrance to the Harel Tunnels, which will allow passengers on public and cooperative transportation (3 passengers, including the driver), to bypass the traffic jams and shorten the time The trip to Jerusalem.

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“Netiv Plus” with a length of 26 kilometers, will operate Sunday through Thursday during the morning rush hour, between 06:30 and 09:30, and on Fridays between 12:00 and 17:00 or until Shabbat begins. During the rest of the hours, the lane is open to all road users.

The new route, which was painted by the Ministry of Transportation, through the Israel Routes Company, will serve tens of thousands of public transportation passengers – 400 buses on weekdays, and another 500 buses on Fridays, and thousands more users who will ride together in a shared ride. According to the regulations, traveling on the “Netiv Plus” illegally will attract a fine of NIS 500.

“Nativ Plus” on Route 1 is part of the “Million Plan”, initiated by the Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, MK Merav Michaeli, and approved unanimously by the government last June. The route is designed to prioritize public and shared transportation, thus offering a variety of efficient and quick alternatives to traveling alone in the private car.

During rush hour, hundreds of buses from all over the country travel on Route 1 to Jerusalem, in addition to Israel Railways, which operates high-speed lines to Jerusalem from Modi’in, and from Herzliya via Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion Airport. In addition, passengers have several “park and ride” options available to them: the Shapirim parking lot offers approximately 3,000 parking spaces, direct lines to the center of Jerusalem and a free shuttle service from the center of Tel Aviv; And the train station parking lot on the outskirts of Modi’in offers about 1,000 parking spaces, and a fast train line to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

It should be noted that in every place where a public transportation system or a public transit system was opened, a dramatic decrease in public transportation travel times was recorded. For example, there was a 62% decrease in travel times in the morning on the “Netiv Plus” on Route 20 from the Elon entrance to the Shalom Interchange, only 12 minutes compared to 31 minutes on the regular route. Also on Route 1, there was a decrease of several minutes in bus travel time, since the Netiv Plus was painted and more before activating the path. With the official opening of “Nativ Plus” the travel time on buses and carpooling is expected to be even shorter.

The Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, MK Merav Michaeli: “I have committed to 150 kilometers of priority routes for public transportation this year, and here, Route 1, the longest route in the country, which leads to our capital city of Jerusalem, has begun to operate. It is forbidden for anyone to come or You will come after stopping the public transportation revolution we have made in the State of Israel. They will have to continue to make it a reliable and available option for everyone. Only through good and high-quality public transportation can we get Israel out of the traffic jam. Have a good trip!”

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Michal Frank, CEO of the Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety: “The Ministry of Transportation consistently promotes a policy to encourage public and cooperative transportation, through an unprecedented investment in public transportation infrastructure and service additions in the hundreds of millions of shekels. The preference for public and cooperative transportation in ‘Nativ Plus’ is a wiser and fairer use of national infrastructure.”

Nissim Peretz, CEO of Natibi Israel Company: “Natibi Israel Company is the executive arm of the Ministry of Transportation in promoting the million plan to encourage the use of public transportation and promoting solutions for cooperative transportation. All this with the aim of easing the traffic burden on the country’s roads and easing congestion. A busy lane on the road 1 symbolizes another milestone in the realization of the vision to create a profound change in the travel culture among road users.”

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