StartupItalia Alliance is born to guide companies towards digital transformation

by time news

Accompanying Italian companies on the path towards digital transformation: this is the pillar on which StartupItalia Alliance bases its model: a “constellation” of solutions, services and technological platforms, which pool specific experiences, knowledge and technologies to develop projects that can really contribute to the growth of Italian companies.

The marketing, communication and MadTech hub is the result of an extraordinary operation through which it was possible to incorporate and acquire shares in innovative and consolidated startups such as Instal, a company that supports companies in the management of mobile marketing and digital advertising campaigns with focus on performance; VD digital media, with VDNews, the social media first information channel; the Hoopygang influencer marketing and creative services platform. Three projects alongside 4books, the micro-learning platform dedicated to the business world founded by Marco Montemagno and Paolo Barberis; to StartupItalia with its publishing and events divisions; to UpBase, the database of the Italian ecosystem of digital innovation which, starting from the summer, will make continuous monitoring of national innovation available to startups, investors, incubators and accelerators; to the new project on digital training not yet announced and dedicated to the digital builders of the future.

The set of apps and expertise of mobile adv, influencer marketing, branded content, media company & events and continuous training, combined with the largest community of Italian innovators, presents itself as a facilitator of digital transformation in a very critical moment of the economy national: narrow, on the one hand, by the difficulties generated by the pandemic and, on the other, subjected to the thrust of innovation, investments and the wave of projects that will blow on our country, also thanks to the Next Generation EU and the potential that the European recovery plan will lead to Italy.

Each of the technological and project souls that gravitate in the StartupItalia Alliance galaxy is growing, regardless of the collaboration and relationship activities with the Hub that it is able to generate, thanks to the union of individual expertise. A model that will make it possible to bring the concept of open innovation even to Italian companies most reluctant to change.

“StartupItalia Alliance is an open project, in which each of its components maintains its unique positioning and continues to deepen its specializations to contribute to the growth of an adtech media entity that shuns the idea of ​​being considered as a simple grouping of companies or a great agency. We consider that type of experience part of a business design idea that is absolutely far from our profiles and anchored in the past – underlines the CEO of StartupItalia and coordinator of the Alliance, Filippo Satolli -. We are an open ecosystem of startups and scaleups at the service of Italian entrepreneurship and other innovative companies. What distinguishes us is the ability to respond in an absolutely innovative way or even to anticipate the challenges that the market and companies have to face and which concern big data, IOT, wearable, mobile, security, artificial intelligence, augmented / virtual reality. and much more. According to the intrinsic characteristic of startups of being able to continuously update their model, thanks to the innate and typical ability to innovate “.

The goal of StartupItalia Alliance is to transfer to the market a new way of doing business and to “make available” the specializations represented, based on the objectives of a project. An approach that allows you to activate only the profiles and skills in a very targeted way, allowing you to create measurable, flexible and completely customized projects.

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