State Attorney: “Weakening the Attorney’s Office – damage to all law enforcement systems”

by time news

State Prosecutor Amit Isman He spoke this morning (Saturday) at the conference of the Association for Public Law in Haifa and came out in defense of the judicial system and the prosecutor’s office. At the same time, he emphasized that “we are open to criticism, there are times when the criticism is justified”. Also, Isman warned against weakening the prosecutor’s office and harming the entire law enforcement system.

Isman opened his remarks with the need to strengthen the entire chain of law enforcement. According to him, “The strengthening of the Israel Police and its officers is an extremely important move. At the same time, this extremely important move will not by itself lead to the strengthening of the law enforcement system and the establishment of the rule of law, surely and certainly somewhere in it at the exact same time, in a real way harming the other links of the chain – the general prosecution and my The law, in their professionalism, in their integrity and in their lack of references.”

Isman added that “it is not possible to strengthen one link and weaken other links and expect that the law enforcement chain will be a solid and strong chain that will provide a real answer to the alleged problem in this context in the State of Israel.” According to him, “We are definitely in favor of measures that will strengthen the position of the law enforcement system and place it in its proper and proper place in a law-abiding democratic society. However, in my understanding, strengthening the rule of law and the law enforcement system is only possible by strengthening each of the links of the chain. Strength The chain is as strong as its weakest link. You cannot strengthen one link without strengthening the other links.”

Yariv Levin (Photo: Olivia Pitosi, Flash 90)

Isman also stated that “the thought that the position of the police officers and the obedience to their instructions can be strengthened and at the same time the position of the prosecutor’s office as an organization and of the prosecutor’s office and the prosecutors as individuals can be weakened is a wrong thought. The thought that the legitimacy of the prosecutor’s office and prosecutors handling certain offenses or cases can be harmed without this affecting the legitimacy of the entire attorney’s office and attorneys is a mistaken idea. “Crushing and harming public trust in the attorney’s office cannot be done surgically – in certain cases and toward certain attorneys’ offices and attorneys.”

However, he said that “it is permissible not to say that we must criticize. We are open to criticism. There are often cases where the criticism is justified. At the same time, unfounded criticism that is aimed entirely at damaging the legitimacy of the attorney’s office or parts of it ultimately harms the ability of the attorney’s office to be a significant and important part of an enforcement system the law and promoting and strengthening the effectiveness of the law enforcement system in the State of Israel,” he concluded.

The Supreme Court (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)The Supreme Court (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

As mentioned, Isman’s words come against the background of many attacks on the attorney’s office in recent times. The son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu caused a stir after he claimed in an interview last month on Gali Israel radio that senior prosecutors and the police “betrayed the country” and that the punishment for this was “not prison.” According to him, because they “tried to sew a case for a prime minister elected by the people”, thus trying to carry out a governmental coup.

“Every week, for two years, we discover another criminal offense, and yet another criminal offense, allegedly committed by the top officials in the prosecutor’s office and the police. Each of these criminal offenses is five years in prison, we have already reached ten thousand years in prison for the criminal offenses they committed. In the end, it was here A malicious coup d’état,” he said.

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