Statement on the confiscation of the UCA by the Ortega dictatorship

by time news

2023-08-23 15:49:30

The Central American parties of the International Workers League (LIT-CI), the Socialist Workers Party of Honduras, the Working Class Platform of El Salvador and the Workers Party of Costa Rica, express our absolute rejection of the freezing of the financing funds -and subsequent closure- of the Central American University (UCA) that has been undertaken by the Dynasty of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, the closure of the UCA implies affecting the academic-professional development of thousands of young Nicaraguan students, as well as like dozens of university professors.

The Ortega capitalist dictatorship has already left more than 37,000 students unable to finish their studies because the Nicaraguan government has confiscated, to date, a total of 26 universities, to which is now added the UCA. In addition, the dictatorship has created, on the ashes of 4 confiscated universities, its own “academic houses”, its own propaganda school, where it is the Sandinismo that decides who enters and who does not, who can be a teacher or not and what content they will be given.

Thus, university autonomy for the free development of human thought, independent of the interests of the governments in power, has been totally lost, which represents a palpable sample of academic censorship and the dictatorial nature of the regime.

We well know that the UCA supported the students in the Nicaraguan popular insurrection against Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo in 2018 (which was violently repressed), so we understand that the confiscation of their funds is an attempt to keep silent to students, teachers and workers who question the regime and raise the need for a new direction for Nicaragua away from the Ortega dictatorship.

Even so, and despite the fact that Ortega is also trying to cut off his people’s communication channels with the rest of the world, Nicaraguan youth are not intimidated and have launched a call for other countries to find out about these events and to stand up. a movement of international solidarity with Nicaraguan youth.

From our groups we echo this message and call on all the Central American and world social movements to speak out against this new attack by Daniel Ortega on Nicaraguan youth and on university autonomy.

We call on all the Central American popular and student organizations to organize demonstrations of repudiation in the Nicaraguan embassies in the respective countries.

In this way, we also denounce the new wave of arrests and political prisoners that the confiscation of the UCA has left behind.

Let’s defend University Autonomy!

Hands off the dictatorship of the university centers!

Down with the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship!

For a Central America free of dictatorships and authoritarianism!

For the Socialist Reconstruction of Central America!

#Statement #confiscation #UCA #Ortega #dictatorship

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