station at the deadline, last hours to claim it!

by time news

2023-05-31 11:59:00

WOOD HEATING. This time it’s over. After an additional month granted to potential beneficiaries of the wood energy check to submit their application, the deadline for applications is approaching. Only a few hours left!

[Mis à jour le 31 mai 2023 à 11h59] This time, there will be no extension! If the deadline for submitting your request for a wood energy check had been extended from April 30 to May 31, this will not be the case a second time. Conclusion: the potential beneficiaries of this special wood energy check only have a few hours left, until midnight Wednesday, May 31, to file their application.

According to government figures, 2.6 million people are affected. Please note that the check is not sent automatically. It is in fact up to the beneficiaries to take the steps to receive it, from the energy check website. You must then enter your electronic tax filer number and send an invoice.

This aid was introduced by the government because of the increase in the price of firewood. heating. While the cubic meter of wood was sold around 115 euros in 2021, it is now displayed at around 150 euros for logs! An increase of about 30% which hits hard the portfolio of 6.5 million households heating by this method.

Today, 3,4 millions of French people heat themselves with wood according to Ademe. With the soaring price of pellets, some households find themselves at a loss when it comes to paying the bill. This is why the government wishes to act to allow the most modest households to heat themselves properly this winter. This aid concerns both households heating with logsor some pellets (granules). To claim this wood energy voucher, simply log on as soon as December 22, 2022and until May 31, 2023 by clicking ici.

This check is sent to households whose annual reference tax income per consumption unit is strictly less than 20 000 euros.

Your remuneration must not exceed 2 260 euros per month for a single person, and 4 750 euros per month for a couple with two dependent children.

The amount of the brand new wood energy check for French people heating with wood will be included between 50 euros and 200 euros depending on your level of income and the type of firewood used (logs or pellets). To receive this cheque, your salary must be less than 2 260 euros for a single person, and less than 4 750 euros for a couple with two children.

  • Heating with pellets : 200 euros (for the most modest), 100 euros (higher category)
  • Heating with logs : 100 euros (for the most modest), 50 euros (other income brackets within the limits of the ceilings)

To claim your wood energy check, all you have to do is connect to the site chequeernergie.gouv.frenter his teledeclarant number and his invoice from December 22, 2022until May 31, 2023.

#station #deadline #hours #claim

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