Statistical Report on Ternana Economy: A Detailed Analysis

by time news

Statistical Report on Ternana Economy: A Detailed Analysis

L’Provincial Observatory Of Terni has published the statistical report “Indicators of the Terni economy”, created in collaboration with State, ARPAL Umbria, Chamber of Commerce of Umbria, I.N.P.S., Terni-Rieti Territorial Labor Inspectorate and with the informative contribution of the Bank of Italy. The document provides a detailed overview of the economic performance of the province, based on official data provided by various bodies.

The report examines several key indicators, including business vitality, foreign trade, employment and credit dynamics, undeclared work, social safety nets and tourism. The publication aims to provide a documented reading key for public bodies and economic operators.

Economic Slowdown and Climate Challenges

Al December 31, 2023the report highlights a slowdown in economic activity at Terni. Agriculture was hit by unfavorable weather conditions, while small businesses suffered from weak domestic demand, tighter financing conditions and lower real household incomes due to inflation.

Negative Demographic Dynamics

The province of Terni also faces a negative demographic dynamic and a progressive aging of the population. The birth rate has dropped to 5.2 per thousandwhile the mortality rate has reached 15.2 per thousand. According to the data Statethe average age in the province is 49.2 years old and the old age index is equal to 267,3.

Business and Foreign Trade

In the fourth quarter of 2023the number of active enterprises registered in the Chamber of Commerce registers decreased slightly, especially in the sectors of trade, agriculture and manufacturing. Foreign trade recorded a decline in exports in the second half of the 2023accompanied by a decrease in imports.

Employment and Gender Inequality

Despite an overall stability in employment, the report highlights a strong gender gap in the labor market. Female participation has decreased due to a decline in employed and inactive women, while the male component has recorded an increase in employed people.

Earnings Integration Fund

In the second half of the 2023the ordinary wage supplementation fund (CIG) interventions decreased, while the extraordinary ones increased slightly. The total hours authorized in CIG were approximately 2.2 millioncompared to the 2.1 million of the 2022.

Credit and Credit Quality

At the beginning of the second semester of 2023credit to the provincial economy contracted, with a negative trend that worsened in the following months and then eased in December. The decline was more marked for medium-large enterprises, while the quality of credit remained unchanged for loans to households and recorded a slight deterioration for those granted to enterprises.

Tourism on the Rise

In the second half of the 2023arrivals and presences of foreign customers have increased. Overall, tourist demand has grown thanks to the foreign component, with a positive variation compared to 2022 also for the presence of Italians, despite a decrease in arrivals. The Terni and theOrvieto they are the territories with the most consistent tourist flow compared to the rest of the province.

Interinstitutional Collaboration

The document represents a significant example of interinstitutional collaboration, systematizing the statistics provided by each entity and enhancing them in an organic and complete framework. It will be available online on the websites of all the entities and administrations participating in the Observatory.

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