Stellantis runs, the market thinks about the possible entry of the State: it costs 4 billion

by time news

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(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) – The hypotheses of an entry by the Italian State into the capital of Stellar claiming the title on the FTSE MIB Milanese. On the eve of this, the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, opened the door to a presence in the group’s capital to “match” that of France in the event that Stellantis requests it. «They asked us for a commitment in Europe» on Euro 7 «and we kept that commitment. They asked us for a significant and extraordinary incentive plan, we kept it. If the problem is “do as France does”, the difference between us and them is that they are in the share capital, then make us a request”, noted Urso. The minister also illustrated the 950 million 2024 incentive plan to support the ecological transition.

Meanwhile, on February 1, 2023, data on registrations in Italy and France were published, which saw Stellantis record progress of 12.8% and 20% respectively compared to markets growing by 10.6% and 9%. 2%. «We point out that the French government has a 6.09% share of Stellantis through BpiFinance – Banca Akros analysts recall – Balancing this share would cost 4 billion at current prices». “It is not the first time that the topic of the Italian State’s entry into Stellantis has come up”, Equita recalls, adding that they believe it is “unlikely that the current shareholders of Stellantis will welcome this proposal”.

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