Step next to Roger Montañola at LLYC

by time news

BarcelonaIn January 2020, the communications consultancy LLYC announced the purchase of Diplolicy and the absorption of its workers, with its founder, ex-politician Roger Montañola, at the helm. Less than two years later, Montañola will step aside in the company. As the company has confirmed to the ARA, the two parties have mutually terminated Montañola’s previous professional contract, which will sign a new one, with which he will become an advisor. LLYC sources have told this newspaper that, with the change, Montañola is leaving the “100% executive” position he had until now. His previous position was that of senior director of public affairs, a position that required him to spend three days a week in Madrid.

Montañola became known during his time with the youth of Unió Democràtica, the party of Josep Antoni Duran and Lleida. The democratic leader was his great supporter and in 2015 Montañola was already the spokesman for the junior partner of the defunct Convergència i Unió coalition. At the end of 2016, Montañola partnered with fellow ex-politician Xavier Cima (former Convergència deputy) to found Diplolicy, a consulting firm specializing in lobbying or public affairs. Among the company’s main clients was Uber.

Talks and a ‘start-up’

The agreement between LLYC and Montañola to change his status within the company responds to the fact that Montañola maintained other professional activities that had nothing to do with the consultancy, related to his presence in the media as a talk show host and also in Viume .co, one start-up dedicated to artificial intelligence where Montañola has a prominent shareholding weight.

“Doing everything was complicated,” Montañola explained to this newspaper. “I will continue to bring some clients, but I will not do 40 hours,” he specifies. In addition, the manager does not close the door to return to politics: “Until now it was impossible, but I want to explore things.”

Last week, LLYC announced the signing of former Empresa Àngels Chacón, a hire that has nothing to do with Montañola’s new role: Chacón will be senior director of corporate strategy.

At the end of September, Montañola’s words to 8TV about the world of work went viral: “I, for 45,000 euros, am not going to work.”

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