Step Up campaign against colon cancer, an app to reach 10 thousand steps –

by time news
Of Health editorial

Walking and eating healthy are simple and important activities to stay healthy and also prevent gastro-intestinal neoplasms.

Step Up is the name of the new campaign that EuropaColon Italia Onlus together with Digestive Cancers Europe (DiCE), an organization in support of patients suffering from gastro-intestinal neoplasms, launches starting from March, the European month for the prevention of colon and rectal cancer. The new awareness campaign, which will run throughout the year, aims to encourage the population to walk every day, because motor activity – combined with healthy eating and, more generally, correct lifestyles – is a Simple but important activity also to prevent colorectal cancer.

And to help you reach the daily target of 10,000 steps and have the right advice to protect your health EuropaColon Italia together with DiCE have developed the app STEPAPP, available in the Android and Apple stores. STEPAPP is a free step counting app, which aims to further engage the general public and provide an opportunity to learn more about colorectal cancer and how to prevent it (for example, talking about how to maintain a healthier lifestyle by walking ).

In Europe, colorectal cancer the second most common cancer in women and the third most common in men. Every year, around 500,000 European citizens are diagnosed with colorectal cancer, unfortunately fatal for around 250,000. Many of these deaths could be avoided thanks to screening and prevention practices aimed at early diagnosis. A diagnosis of first-stage colorectal cancer is in fact associated with a 90% chance of 5-year survival. Furthermore, the difference in terms of care costs between an early diagnosis and an advanced stage is up to 10 times greater. Unfortunately, there are also many disparities between various European countries. Many EU countries have an adherence rate to colorectal screening programs of 65%, while only 14% of European citizens in the age range targeted for screening (50 – 74) are actually invited to perform it. Colorectal cancer, on the other hand, is often preventable and highly curable if diagnosed early. STEPAPP’s goal is to raise public awareness, encourage a healthier lifestyle and ultimately help increase screening rates across Europe, up to the target set by the European Union.

This year’s Step Up campaign – he says Roberto PersianiPresident of EuropaColon Italia Onlus and oncologist surgeon of the Catholic University – Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli Irccs – wants to underline thethe protective role of exercise moderate daily life, such as walking, in the onset of one of the most common tumors in Italy. The novelty of this edition is that the campaign will last throughout the year; a sort of permanent marathon against colorectal cancer which will allow participants, each time they reach the milestone of 10,000 steps, to symbolically donate a coin to our association, as a sign of support for our initiatives. A simple but very effective way to combine taking care of yourself with a social commitment in favor of others as well.

March 4, 2023 (change March 4, 2023 | 5:56 pm)

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