STF does not vote on Ferrogrão works and neither does a new date for judgment…

by time news

2023-06-01 01:43:44

The judgment of the action on the works of Ferrogrão, a railroad that connects the states of Mato Grosso and Pará, was postponed by the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Discussions at the court were scheduled for this Wednesday (21), however, the process surrounding the decision on the sentence of former president Fernando Collor – sentenced to 8 years and 10 months in prison – took up all the time of the session. A new date for the resumption of the trial has not yet been announced.

After two years at a standstill, the railway works returned to the court’s agenda after an injunction was granted by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, as explained by the director of the Pro-Logistics Movement, Edeon Vaz Pereira, in an interview with Notícias Agrícolas this Wednesday.


The project has an expected investment of R$ 21.5 billion and capacity to greatly optimize the flow of Brazilian production, bringing not only positive economic impacts, but also environmental ones, since it could remove up to one million tons of CO2 per year with the smaller circulation of trucks, also according to the Pro-Logistics Movement.

It was the PSOL who took the case to court, with an ADI action (Direct Action of Unconstitutionality) and the rapporteur is Minister Alexandre de Moraes. The controversy surrounding the railroad, which should be 933 kilometers long, is due to an area of ​​464 hectares that would pass through the Jamanxim National Park, about 0.054% of its original area, according to data from ICMBio (Instituto Chico Mendes Center for Biodiversity Conservation).

In a recent position, the president of Aprosoja Brasil stated that Ferrogrão is about the development of Brazill and not about political ideology. Remember:

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