Still no gifts for Valentine’s? Nine easy and healthy chocolate-based recipes to give to your partner

by time news

Giving a dish created with our own hands is an excellent option if we still do not have ideas for a gift on Valentine’s Day. That is why with time against us we left nine easy and healthy chocolate-based recipes to honor your partner.

Easy, healthy and tasty chocolates

A good chocolate, based on a lots of cocoa and no sugar added, represents a food with many benefits for our body. That is why if we are looking to entertain our partner, there is nothing better than creating healthy preparations based on this ingredient.

For this, not only we will avoid the addition of sugars Instead, we must go to a pure cocoa powder, without added sugar, or to a chocolate with a high proportion of cocoa and no or little amount of sugar.

Other quality ingredients can help achieve very tasty and healthy chocolate-based dishes that are easily satiated and help us solve our Valentine’s gift in minutes.


The easiest and healthiest recipes to give on Valentine’s Day

If you are looking to replace a commercial chocolate bar with healthier alternatives and made with your own hands, we leave the following easy chocolate-based recipes to give to your partner on Valentine’s Day:

These are nine simple recipes that can save you on Valentine’s Day, to give dishes based on healthy and tasty chocolates to your partner

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Image | vitonic

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