2024-07-24 19:17:08
According to Finance Minister Gintarė Skaistė, together with the loan part, this request would allow Lithuania to receive 500 million euros this year. euros from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) plan.
“The purpose of the change is to accelerate the settlement of already achieved indicators. In order to be able to do this, from the second payment request we extract the indicator of the improvement of tax obligations. This would standardize the billing for all indicators. We would also raise the indicators from the 3rd and 4th payment request”, said G. Skaistė during the Government meeting.
According to the minister, Lithuania’s previous commitments related to reducing poverty and income inequality are transferred to future requests.
“Those indicators that have already been achieved are put into payment request 2, and the part related to tax changes is put into request 3,” she said.
According to the Ministry of Finance, more than two-thirds of the actions of the “New Generation Lithuania” plan have been implemented – a total of 72 percent.
The government approved the proposal of the Ministry of Finance to speed up the investments needed by Lithuania for 346 million. euros
On Wednesday, the Government approved the proposal of the Ministry of Finance to accelerate investments by 346 million. euros of European Union (EU) funds allocated to Lithuania, most of them being directed to innovative and green energy projects. The 2021-2027 period is also redistributed by the government’s decision. Funds from the investment program of EU funds and the “New Generation Lithuania” plan.
In the proposal of the Ministry of Finance, additional investments are directed to two calls. The first of them is the invitation of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, for which 72 million is allocated. euros, which will help attract local and foreign investors to district municipalities. The second is the invitation of the Ministry of the Interior with an investment of almost 13 million. euros for the involvement of people in solving local problems.
Digitization will focus on developing new and existing digital services. Almost 173 million additional investments amounting to EUR will be directed to the creation of technological solutions: e. for modernization of services, improvements of public digital services, development of AI and innovative technologies, etc.
80 million in the field of green economy. EUR will be allocated to investment projects focused on renewable energy resources, abandoning the use of fossil fuels.
At that time, 8 million is allocated to strengthening defense needs. euros, which are intended for the development of infrastructure for warning and informing people.
In the resolution of the Ministry of Finance, approved by the Government, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation will additionally allocate more than 263 million for invitations. EUR, the Ministry of Energy – 45 million. EUR, the Ministry of the Environment – more than 16 million. euros, and the Ministry of the Interior – almost 21 million. euros.
2024-07-24 19:17:08