In the most satisfactory manner she bade him farewell July the Athens Stock Exchangeas strong corporate sizes they brought them back buyers at the “helm” and drove the General Index close to 1,480 units.

This had the direct effect of the Greek market recording cumulative gains +5.2% within the last monthuploading it again return in 2024 at the level of +14.3%giving a brave dowry in August.

And we may be in the heart of summer, but the week’s news is pretty… rich, a fact we gathered in the if temporary raising investment interestas was seen today.

More specifically, during the last meeting of the month, Mr General Index noted significant up 1.21% and closed at the high of the day 1,478.17 unitsgaining about 18 points from Tuesday’s close (1,460.46 points).

The arc of diurnal variations was set at 15 units (from 1,463.58 to 1,478.17 units), with the transaction turnover to range at 132 million eurosof which 12 million euros related to pre-agreed packages.

On the board, now, the Piraeus Street boosted by strong H1 numbers, it jumped to +3.5% and returned to €3.9. From there on, the Titan Cement, Eurobank and Alpha Bank strengthened by more than +2%, while at new 3-year highs closed the In Lam (7.6 euros).

Stock Market: New Highs for Titan Cement – ​​50% Rally in 2024

Breakout of more than +2% in banks

The banking index hit the “brake” on the six-day falling streak and returned strongly to positive territory. So, it ended at +2.15% and 1,305 unitsbridging the distance from this year’s peaks (1,354 units).

Her stock Piraeus its share jumped to +3.50% and 3.90 euros Alpha Bank increased to +2.22% and 1.703 euros, its share National Bank traded at +1.35% and 8.11 euros, while its share Eurobank expanded to +2.32% and 2.118 euros.

The picture on the dashboard

In the high capitalization index (+1.45% and 3,606 points), its share Titan Cement climbed to +2.8% and 32.9 euros, reaching a new historical high, thanks to the profitability of the semester. The shares of Lamda Development, PPC and EYDAP followed at +2%, while the ΟΠΑΠ, Motor Oil, Sarantis, Helleniq Energy, Coca – Cola and Autohellas they won at least 1%. On the contrary, its share Elektor continued the downward movement and retreated to 1.95 euros (new 9-month low).

As for the mid-cap index (+0.21% and 2,312 points), the stock of ADMIE stood out positively at +1.5% and 2.25 euros, with the shares of PPA and Lavipharm to earn more than +1.3%. On the other hand, its stock Quest was limited to -1.10% and 5.3 euros. Special mention should be made to Performance Technologieswhich debuted on the Main Market, falling slightly by 0.7%.

Overall on the stock market, 48 stocks advanced, 46 stocks declined, while 27 stocks remained unchanged. THE capitalization of the market ranged at 102.2 billion euros.

The biggest turnover

  • Piraeus +3.50% 26.6 million euros
  • Eurobank +2.32% EUR 16.9 million
  • National +1.35% 13.9 million euros
  • Mytilineos +0.27% EUR 13.9 million
  • OTE -0.39% 10.3 million euros

The highest rise

  • Bitros +9.45% 7,506 euros
  • BIOTER +8.47% 640 euros
  • CPI +8.46% 15,351 euros
  • Minerva +5.83% 5 euros
  • Piraeus +3.50% 26.6 million euros

The sharpest fall

  • ILYDA -4.57% 9,544 euros
  • Medicon -3.69% 719 euros
  • Alumyl -2.26% 10,172 euros
  • Flower -2.23% 6,899 euros
  • Attica Bank -2.12% 16,370 euros

Stock market – Shares: The “five” that shone in July

Positive sign in July

His last meeting July but also his 7 months concluded the Athens Stock Exchange, which is counting down to the arrival of – traditionally sluggish – August.

Of course, Mr 8th month of the year takes it as a dowry +5.2% of July and the +14.3% of the 7 monthwith the Greek market maintaining its achievements, despite the volatility and international challenges.

And it may be that investment interest is down these days, given that several traders are already on the… beach, but in terms of news reporting the current week is quite rich.

Today, for example, Piraeus Bank and Eurobank announced the financial figures for the first half of the year, with the performance raising expectations for further improvement of guidance for the whole of 2024.

In addition to these two, its management also published results Titan Cement, which sees the stock firmly at historically high levels, surpassing the 32 euro mark.

At the same time, today its share premiered on the Main Market of the Stock Exchange Performance Technologieswhich after a 16-year presence in the Alternative Market, is invited to play… ball with the big “players”.

At the same time, let’s not forget her agreement Bitros for the restructuring of the borrowing of the two subsidiaries, which, based on the management’s information, will lead to the return of positive equity.

Technically, the General Index is still stuck at one narrow range of fluctuationshaving the 1,438 units as the main supports and as the first resistors the 1,487 units.

This, however, does not make the scenario of the gradual re-approaching of this year’s peaks, which are in the 1,500 units -especially if the news of the week turns out to be supportive.

On the Board of the Stock Exchange: The negative streak of the banks, the 23% drop for Ellactor and the fixation of the Airport

Profits in Europe and Wall

Abroad, now, the eye is on Federal Reserve, which tonight announces the results of the two-day meeting of the monetary committee. Even if interest rates are not going to change, everyone is waiting for a signal from it Jerome Powellin order to confirm the assessment that in September the first step in easing the tight monetary policy will indeed take place.

In Japanat the same time, Asian markets were quick to appreciate the central bank’s historic move, which raised the key interest rate to around 0.25%for the first time since October 2008, while simultaneously putting “scissors” in the monthly purchase plan government bonds.

As far as Europe is concerned, attention is drawn to the figures for the July inflation, which was formed in 2.6% vs. 2.5% in July (estimated at 2.5%). This development is likely to determine the ECB’s next steps. Do not forget that the Christine Lagarde has already proceeded with a first rate cut of 25 basis points.

Within this framework, the pan-European STOXX 600 slightly strengthened to +0.57% and 516 points, with the French CAC 40 and the British one FTSE 100 to earn up to 0.8%. On the other side of the Atlantic, Wall Street is making a positive start to the session as S&P 500 and Nasdaq they earn from 1.4% and 2.2%, respectively.

Papantoniou: How he built a 100 million euro company – The +45% rally and the new page on the Stock Exchange

(The above is the product of journalistic research and does not constitute an invitation to buy, sell or hold any stock)

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