The Athens Stock Exchange continues its sideways movement, while investors continue to maintain a wait-and-see attitude, amidst the broader nervousness that prevails abroad.

The Greek market, in this way, remains locked in narrow range of 1,420 – 1,450 unitsunable to move convincingly towards the recent historical highs of 1,502 unitsbut also keeping the supports of 1,400 units.

At the same time, attention is drawn to financial figures of the first semester, which prove to be highly encouraging for the continuation, while we do not forget that tomorrow we have its meeting ECB and his verdict follows on Friday Moody’s.

Somehow, in the 3rd meeting of the week, Mr General Index notes imperceptibly up 0.12% and is formed on 1,427.81 unitsgaining just 1.7 points from Tuesday’s close (1,427.10 points).

The arc of diurnal variations extends over four units (from 1,425.78 to 1,429.91 units), with the transaction turnover to range at 2.5 million euros in the first 15 minutes.

On the board, now, the banks are continuing the weak course of the last few days, despite the upward effort of Alpha. On his part, Mr AIA expands close to +1%, while losses of more than 1% show h Coca-Cola.

Small profits in the banks

The banking index, after three consecutive bearish sessions, returns to positive territory, but without convincing, as it is currently at +0.19% and 1,234 units.

Her stock Alpha its share increases to +0.66% and 1.53 euros National decreases to -0.29% and 7.532 euros, its share Piraeus trades at -0.36% and 3.884 euros, while its share Εurobank retreats to -0.45% and 1.971 euros.

The picture on the dashboard

In the high-cap index (+0.29% and 3,465 points), its share AIA increases by 0.8% and returns to 7.8 euros, thanks to the satisfactory figures of the first half. The shares of OTE, Titan Cement and Methylene. On the contrary, its share Coca-Colawhich yesterday reached a 4.5-year high, falls to -1.1% and 33.7 euros. Lamda, Sarantis and EYDAP they lose up to 0.8%.

Regarding the mid-cap index (-0.05% and 2,303 points), the stock of Profile stands out positively at +1.5% and 5.1 euros, with its share Fourlis to fall to +1% and 3.9 euros. At the same time, HE HAS earns about 0.9%. Instead, its stock Intracom Holdings is limited by 1%, while at -0.6% the decline for the shares of Ideal – Intrakat.

Overall on the stock market, 38 stocks are moving up, 26 stocks are down, while 13 stocks remain unchanged. OR capitalization of the market ranges at 98.4 billion euros.

Duke: The Stock Exchange wants its… German

Indefinitely on hold

The Athens Stock Exchange has been trapped in an indefinite waiting period for the last period of time, which is waiting for the catalystin order to come off from current levels – either up or down.

The General Index, for several weeks, has been moving in the narrow range of 1,420 – 1,450 units, with the daily turnover stubbornly stuck below the psychological threshold of 100 million eurosdespite the occasionally large “packages”.

Somehow, the Greek market seems to have indulged in a sideways movement, not trying to move towards the big one target of 1,502 units (high year), but also without endangering them supports of 1,400 units.

And all this, despite the fact that the domestic news has been quite lively in recent days, given the daily announcements corporate resultswhich remain highly satisfactory.

Yesterday, for example, Autohellas and Athens International Airport announced the figures for the first half of the year, while today is their turn ELVALHALCOR and Aegean. Tomorrow follows the Lamda Development and Elektor.

And of course the big news of the week concerns his verdict Moody’sthat is, of the last rating agency, which still maintains Greece in a non-investment grade. Everyone hopes that this will now change and the “austere” house will give the much-desired upgrade.

Nervousness abroad

At the same time, however, the investment climate abroad is distinguished by a prolonged nervousness, which does not allow buyers to take a deep breath.

The fear of a possible recession in the US has significantly reduced the appetite for risk-taking, focusing on critical macro-economic data and leaving the planned interest rate cuts in the background.

Don’t forget that tomorrow the ECB he is very likely to take the second step easing of monetary policywhile the following Wednesday the dance of interest rate reductions it is estimated that the Federal Reserve.

In this context, the pan-European STOXX 600 slightly strengthened to +0.39% and 509 units, with the German DAX to earn 0.42%. On the other side of the Atlantic, pending inflation data, futures recorded small losses of up to 0.3%.

On the Stock Exchange Board: The loss of Eurobank, the records of Coca Cola and the risk at Jumbo

(The above is a product of journalistic research and does not constitute an invitation to buy, sell or hold any stock)

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