The Athens Stock Exchange may offer an average return of +11% since the beginning of 2024, but the gains seem to concern a small part of the board, and mainly the big “players”, i.e. the blue chips.

In contrast, the image in Mid-Cap cannot be characterized as satisfactory, with this year’s rise in the Mid Cap just coming up in its range +4%.

It is indicative that out of a total of 20 shares in the relevant index, only eight are in positive ground compared to the beginning of the year, a sample of the selective interest on the part of buyers.

And this, despite the fact that the fundamentals of most “middle” people are in great health, while of course there is no shortage of business deals, which create new values ​​for shareholders.

Yan Karas: The master of dividends distributed 2.2 billion

What’s going on in Mid Cap?

One explanation for this underperformance is related to the strong 2023 earnings, during which the “mediums” recorded cumulative rise of almost +60%. After this rally it is normal to have a period of “digesting” and assimilation.

At the same time, an obstacle to the further rise of the Mid Cap is also represented by reduced visibility abroadas foreign funds, which do not forget that they now dominate in Athens, tend to prefer blue chips, which are characterized by higher extroversion and greater “depth”.

The losses

Turning the gaze to the individual listed, the shares of AVAX and HE HAS are placed at the forefront of liquidations, as they lose 25% and 11%, respectively, in 2024.

At the same time, their shares fell between -5% and -9% Austriacard, Intracom Holdings, Thrace Plastics, Trade Estates, Quest Participations, Ideal Holdings, Technici Olympiaki and Dimand.

On their part, Fourlis and EYATH are in marginally negative territory, recording losses of 1.5% and 3.8%, respectively.

The exceptions

In contrast to the above, of course, we can contrast an octave of “mediums” with strong returns.

Her stock Optima Bankfor example, is “running” a rally of almost +70%, flirting with the 1 billion euro mark in terms of market value.

OR Cree – Cree follows with gains of around +29%, with the opening in the US driving the stock to all-time highs, while PPA and Profile they earn from +17%.

Finally, the shares of Intralot and Intranets are strengthened by almost +10% in 2024, with Lavipharm and him ADMIE to +4.5% and +0.4%, respectively.

FTSE Mid Cap returns

• +0.8% in 3 months
• -4.6% in 6 months
• +3.7% in 2024
• +10.9% in 12 months

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(The above is a product of journalistic research and does not constitute an invitation to buy, sell or hold any stock)

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