With the Athens Stock Exchange to say goodbye in April from the 13-year highsall market attention is now on which companies will enter the high-cap index and which ones will be downgraded to the mid-cap index.

This is the most important restructuring of the last several years, which is attributed to recent change in the regulation at the A.A.

It is reminded that for any changes the average of the market capitalization of the listed companies in April and not the capitalization of the listed companies at the last meeting of the month, as was the case until now.

Briefly, every meeting in April “counts”..

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Who have the lead for the FTSE 25?

The final answers about which companies will change… category will be given to in the middle of Maywith the amendments taking effect within June.

Based on today’s capitalization, however, that Athens International Airport “E-mail Venizelos”with a market capitalization of almost 2.5 billion euros, is among the companies likely to be included in the large-cap index.

Beyond that, a serious candidacy for inclusion in the FTSE 25 is also being made by Intrakat, which is valued at 866 million euros. Of the rest of the shares, there are few chances for a “rise” in the high capitalization Optima Bank with a value of 784 million euros and Intralot with a value of 693 million euros. THE PPAfor its part, has a capitalization of 620 million euros.

The man who made 56 million euros from the deals in Epsilon & Entersoft

The favorites for… relegation

In terms of today’s blue chips, the most likely to be relegated to the FTSE MID is EYDAP with a market value of 609 million euros. THE Participation Quest follows with 621 million euros and Autohellas with 626 million euros.

They can feel much more secure ELVALHALCOR and Sarantiswith a capitalization of 724 and 795 million euros.

It is repeated that for the final changes will be taken into account April average and not the last meeting of the month. Also, other factors are included in the criteria, such as liquidity of the security etc.

The capitalization of the companies involved

  • AIA 2.4 billion
  • Intrakat EUR 866 million
  • Sarantis 795
  • Optima 784 million euros
  • ELVALHALCOR 724 million euros
  • Intralot 693 million euros
  • Autohellas 626 million euros
  • Quest 621 million euros
  • PPA 620 million euros
  • EYDAP 609 million euros

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(The above is a product of journalistic research and does not constitute an invitation to buy, sell or hold any stock)

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