Stockholm’s New Environmental Zones Threaten Tourist Buses and Small Businesses

by time news

Stockholm’s New Environmental Zones Threaten Tourist Bus Industry

In an effort to combat climate change, Stockholm’s traffic committee has proposed the introduction of environmental zones in the city. However, these plans could have devastating consequences for the tourist bus industry and small businesses in the affected areas.

The proposed environmental zones, set to be implemented starting in 2024 and fully implemented by 2026, would prohibit all vehicles that do not meet the emission requirements for Euro 6 or are not electric or gas vehicles. This would effectively ban all tourist buses from operating in the city. Anna Grönlund, branch manager at Sweden’s Bus Company, warns that this decision would eliminate the 200,000 annual tourist bus trips to central Stockholm.

Currently, there are no electric or gas buses on the market that meet the requirements. While 85 percent of the bus industry already runs on fossil-free biofuel, this will be banned as well. Grönlund argues for a delay in the introduction of the environmental zones until suitable vehicles are available and for an exception to be made for bus traffic.

The impact of these proposed regulations extends beyond the tourist bus industry. Small business owners in the affected areas, such as Katarina Malmgren, chairperson of Gamla Stan’s business association, are concerned about the impact on their supply of goods. Malmgren highlights the challenges faced by small businesses in making demands on suppliers and the potential disruption to essential deliveries.

Malmgren also fears that the proposed restrictions will create unfair competition for businesses in Gamla Stan and potentially cause them to go under. She emphasizes the already fragile financial situation for many businesses after the pandemic and insists that it should not be more difficult or expensive to get deliveries to the Old Town compared to other parts of the city.

In response to the criticism, Lars Strömgren, the traffic councilor responsible for the introduction of the environmental zones, acknowledges the concerns but emphasizes the goal of creating a traffic-safe and pleasant environment free from noise and pollution. He suggests that many property owners and businesses in the hospitality industry see the reduced emissions as an opportunity to benefit their business, while logistics companies view it as a competitive advantage.

Despite the potential benefits, the consequences for the tourist bus industry and small businesses cannot be ignored. Calls for a delay in the implementation of the environmental zones and closer dialogue with the industry have been made to ensure a fair and sustainable transition.

Published: 20 Jul 2023, 07:14
Updated: 20 Jul 2023, 09:12

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