Stocks and dollarization. Milei predicted when salaries will beat inflation and responded to complaints about the rise in prepaid bills

by times news cr

Still with the idea of ​​opening the stocks, going to the currency competition and finally closing the Central Bank, but with the warning that this process is not “instant”, the president Javier Miley ventured this Wednesday when wages can beat the inflation and he even noted that at this moment they are higher due to the appreciation of the peso. Likewise, given the complaints about the increase in prepaid payments, He indicated that “people do not understand the role of property rights.”

Within the framework of the violent raid that suffered Rosario Over the weekend, as a response from the drug gangs to the restriction policies, especially in provincial prisons, the president also announced that he thinks build new prisons and sell those that are located in the center of the cities because they have a good price in the real estate business.

“We believe that as soon as we open the trap and the level of activity begins to rebound, salaries will begin to increase strongly, Apart from the fact that with the fall of the dollar it has risen a lot”, held in Radio Miter the President this morning, despite the complaints of the unions, with some branches that have not yet closed jointly, for example the Metallurgical Workers Union (UOM), which activated a strike for 48 hours for Wednesday and Thursday.

In a staunch defense of his management, Milei said that the “broken Central Bank” that he received from the previous management has now purchased 10 billion dollars and considered that the monetary base has not moved. “It is a program where we are going to move to a coin competition system with weight. “Then we will send the law to make issuing a criminal offense and in that process we will move towards the elimination of the Central Bank.”confirmed his intentions, although he clarified: “I never said it was instantaneous. But all the steps we are taking are so that at some point we can open the stocks, compete for currencies and close the Central Bank.”.

Javier Milei and his Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” CaputoHernan Zenteno – La Nacion

Convinced that his administration is “much closer than far” from leaving the controls, he nevertheless expressed caution and said that it is not yet the time because that could produce an exchange rate stampede. “The problem is that if we open, who can assure me that there will not be a bullfight?” he asked himself and then dialed: “I have to wait a few months. I’m not willing to take the risk. I prefer to endure this weak activity situation a little longer, but avoid hyperinflation. There is nothing that causes more damage than inflation. “We are committed to finishing it and we are doing so.” Yesterday the indicator marked 13.2% for February, a slowdown compared to January and less than expected by the Government.

Response for prepaid

In his analysis of the figure published yesterday by Indec, the President said that there were extraordinary issues that influenced it, such as the increase in prepaid bills and the increase in rates. Regarding the increase in private medicine, which generated complaints from users, the libertarian leader maintained that his government believes in the freedom of prices and that, since they were trampled, a degradation of the quality of the service was generated.

“It is never a good guide to try to touch prices. To the person who is bothered by prices [de las prepagas], how would you feel if your salary or retirement were being touched? It does not matter”, he marked and sentenced: “People do not understand the role of property rights. When a tax is raised, property rights are being violated. “When prices are controlled, property rights are being violated.”

He also anticipated that although March It is a month “with deeply complicated seasonality,” if you look at inflation corethat is, the one that does not take into account products and services that depend on the time of year, is down 10%.

In this framework, and after yesterday the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorniannounced that they would open imports for products from the basic basket in order to generate a stabilization of the price market in supermarkets, the President delved into the reasons for this measure that generated concern among local businessmen about free competition with merchandise that will come from outside and with tax cuts.

“We are not going to neglect what is happening in the exchange market, but Given that companies in the sector do not want to correct prices, the only way to correct them is by generating competition. And we believe that given the importance and weight of food, it warrants that the first restriction that we strongly lift is on that side,” Milei justified.

The President also assured that 60% of the “ferocious adjustment” that he is carrying out was done “about the caste” and not about the people, and questioned those who say otherwise. “I’m not to blame for the poor quality economists who do their math wrong,” he slipped.

Violence in Rosario and new prisons

On the other hand, he insisted that together with his defense ministers, Luis Petri; and Security, Patricia Bullrichthey are working on a modification of the Internal Security law that will be submitted to Congress and whose main premise is that the armed forces can go with their weapons into territory “when a case of narcoterrorism is constituted”, like what happened in recent days in Rosariowhere four innocent people died in the hands of the organizations.

Addressing this case again, the libertarian leader took aim at the Socialist Party, which governed the province of Santa Fe before the arrival of Omar Perotti and the current governor, Maximiliano Pullaro. And he even gave them proper names. He spoke of “narcosocialism started with Binner and Bonfatti”, regarding Hermes Binner and Antonio Bonfattiformer Santa Fe leaders, the first of whom died.

“Putting socialists in the government is not free. They destroy everything they touch. “It is to understand those responsible for the disaster that Rosario is experiencing today,” Milei assured.

Narco murals in different areas of the city of Rosario
Narco murals in different areas of the city of Rosario Marcelo Manera

And in the midst of the violent panorama that the town of the Flag Monument and the Paraná River experienced, which seems to have calmed down in recent days, the President stated that he is willing to build new prisons. “We are thinking about developing prisons. There are some in the middle of the city and the land has a lot of value in real estate terms. So we are thinking about selling those prisons, for the real estate value, and with those funds building new maximum security prisons far from the city.”, he revealed and also said: “We are working on incorporating private prisons.”

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