stocks prepared, some secret plan and a lot of caution

by time news

The Defense Pharmacy Military Center plant at the San Pedro military base in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid) is manufacturing 1,250,000 pills of high concentration of potassium iodide, with a maximum of 65 milligrams per tablet, government sources confirm to EL PERIÓDICO.

But that production, with a delivery deadline in November, is not what is being demanded in other European countries to protect themselves from radiation in the context of the war in Ukraine. The pills from Madrid are to distribute to the neighboring population of the nuclear power plants of Ascó, Vandellós, Trillo, Garoña, Cofrentes and Almaraz because the current iodine reserves of the Nuclear Emergency Plan are going to expire.

It will be up to the Interior, through Civil Protection, to distribute the pills. And he will do it in the provinces of Tarragona, Guadalajara, Burgos, Valencia and Cáceres.

The new batch would protect 625,000 people. Each tablet is half the dose; in certain cases of radioactive emergency, each neighbor must take two of these pills, until reaching the saturation of 130 milligrams in the body that prevents the absorption of radioactive iodine.

There is another manufacture of iodine pills “habitual“in the Defense plans, Army sources admit without commenting. But how many tablets are there and where are they stored is secretpart of the catalog of resources of the National Security System.

The same sources leave without denying that Defense included iodine pills among the 11 tons of material sanitario sent to Ukraine last March by the General Health Inspectorate, when Europe was concerned about the fighting in the area of Chernobyl.

Much further from Zaporiya than Helsinki or Bucharest, in Madrid the Department of National Security, dependent on Moncloa, monitors not so much the manufacture of pills as the preparation of hoaxes on protective iodine. Try to differentiate between what is circulating on social media and what is fear and what is Russian destabilizing propaganda.

Meanwhile, in Amazon some sellers join the expression “for radiation” to the advertising of iodine pills that are really nothing more than a food supplement. “Only those of military manufacturing -explains the military source-. The ones sold in shops and pharmacies have a minimal concentration.” JUAN JOSE FERNANDEZ

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