Stop an overdose with a nasal spray? The US will sell a drug against drug deaths without a prescription

by time news

Las overdose deaths Drug trafficking is a problem that continues to worry the United States authorities a great deal. Many even talk about it being one of the great epidemics in the country and the data points to it: in 2021, more than 107,000 people died from the consumption of products such as cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl or heroin.

In this difficult scenario, and while waiting for state policies along these lines to minimize this problem, the United States has closed federal approval for a crucial medicine for opioid overdoses may begin to be sold without a prescription. It was a historic demand from the health authorities, who trust that access to this product will stop the alarming number of drug-related deaths in the country.

The product itself is called ‘Narcan’ and is a aerosol nasal, such as those used to treat allergies or asthma, which can quickly reverse an opioid overdose. Until now there was a drug, naloxone, which blocked the effect of opioids in the brain, but this other delivery route may be easier in cases in which the affected person has lost consciousness.

“Like a fire extinguisher”

“It’s like a fire extinguisher,” exemplify the country’s public health officials, who recall that “the kitchen may catch fire and you don’t have time to run to the store for fire extinguishers.” As The New York Times explains, this drug would have to be available in pharmacies and also in convenience stores, large chains or retailers with online sales. It could even be sold in Vending machines or gas stations.

The idea is that regular drug users or someone close to them can carry ‘Narcan’ with them and some experts even recommend having some in their first aid kits of companies or educational and university centers.

Despite the hope with its free sale, some sources fear that the precio of the medicine that your pharmacist will fix is ​​a deterrent factor. Today, in fact, its cost is more expensive, and much, for those people who are not covered by any health insurance. From the company that manufactures the product, Emergent BioSolutions, they have not yet specified their new prices.

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