stop eating fast food May help improve gut health and mental health Reduce chronic disease : PPTVHD36

by time news

Did you know? Eating more fast food such as fries, hamburgers, pizza, chicken nuggets, french fries, donuts, bakery items, milkshakes and soft drinks means you are getting more nutrition. Less than your body needs because fast food often contains heavily processed ingredients like refined carbohydrates and added sugars. It’s also high in sodium and saturated fat.

Research finds “processed foods” linked to cancer factors of early death

Food triggers inflammation in the body. Accumulated for a long time, causing chronic disease.

therefore avoiding or reduce the amount It may cause you to get fewer calories and increase your fiber intake. vitamins and minerals Because doing so will make room for vegetables. Include more whole grain fruits, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein in your diet. Improve your overall health, too. A September 2021 study in ‌ Diabetes Care ‌ found that fast food eaters 4 times a week decreasing intestinal microflora and reduced strains of bacteria that play a greater role in preventing obesity and insulin resistance than those

  • Your gut health will improve.

Saying goodbye to fast food or at least limiting digestion can improve your digestion. This is because you have more room for fiber- and probiotic-rich whole foods in your diet. High-fat, high-sugar fast foods can damage the digestive tract by promoting the growth of unhealthy gut bacteria. Eating more high fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. And probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and sauerkraut feed healthy gut bacteria and promote proper intestinal balance. According to a July 2019 review in ‌Nutrients‌, eating foods high in prebiotics and fiber increases the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut. which has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes

  • reduce the risk of heart disease

The typical fast food diet is rich in sodium, saturated fat, and sugar, which can raise your LDL “bad” cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. According to a review in ‌Heart, eating too much fried and sugary foods may increase your risk of heart disease. stroke and heart failure “Changing fast food to consuming unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and high in lean protein will improve heart health.”

  • You will control your blood sugar better.

Eating too many foods high in sugar can put you at risk for diabetes. Type 2 diabetes and metabolic obesity high blood pressure risk high blood sugar excess abdominal fat and high cholesterol or triglycerides By limiting the amount of sugar and eating foods that are nutritious and high in fiber instead. You can manage your blood sugar better.

  • you will lose weight

Fast food is often higher in calories but lower in fiber than fruits and vegetables. Although eliminating fast food alone will not make you lose weight. But it can lead to reduction goals. Digestion of nutrient-dense foods that contain higher amounts of protein, fiber, and healthy fats in your diet can help keep you full longer than fast food. adding lean protein Complex carbohydrates, filled with whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats like avocados, add to your intake of low-calorie foods. more nutrient dense and make you full Prevents overeating and generally promotes a healthy lifestyle.

brain-destroying food groups Increased risk of Alzheimer’s and diabetes

  • you may sleep better

These fast foods are often heavily processed and high in added sugars. It can cause your blood sugar to spike and fall. This can result in sleep disturbances. Insufficient sleep was also associated with increased consumption of sweets and fast food. This increases the hormone ghrelin, a hormone that promotes hunger. Switching to more wholesome foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seafood may help you sleep better and stay asleep longer.

  • You may see your mental health improve.

Recent studies show that your diet can affect your mental health. A December 2022 study in ‌JAMA Neurology‌ of more than 10,000 people found that restricting ultra-processed foods, such as fast food, was associated with a decline in mental well-being in middle and older ages. Another small January 2017 study in ‌BMC Medicine‌ found that people with severe depression who ate a diet high in fruits and vegetables whole grain legumes and lean protein for 12 weeks. Depression improved and anxiety symptoms improved.

However, you don’t have to give up fast food altogether. But research shows there are long-term health effects in Limiting your intake will allow you to reduce your intake of calories, sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars. you will see that heart health Your blood sugar control, your mood and your sleep are definitely improved.

Thank you for the information from: livestrong

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