Stop! Violence in Educational Units

by time news

2023-10-29 17:15:27

VIOLENCE in educational units, whether physical, verbal or psychological, is a serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately. The educational environment should be a safe place that supports student development, not a place that creates fear or loss.

Handling violence in educational units requires attention and cooperation from all parties; schools, teachers, students, parents and authorities. This is to implement Minister of Education and Culture Regulation 46 of 2023 concerning Handling Violence in Education Unit Environments (PPKSP)

Launching a seminar discussion at the studium generale event by the Tegal Muhammadiyah Student Association Branch Leader with the theme Leadership Regeneration Through Non-Violence Movements in Children or in Educational Units (14 /10), which presented speakers from DP3AP2KB Tegal Regency. Hundreds of students from SMA/SMK Muhammadiyah levels throughout Tegal Regency were present. This event received appreciation for its involvement in preventing and handling violence in educational units.

Parents, teachers and even peers must continue to be educated to detect signs of bullying, especially if students experience drastic changes in behavior. In many cases of bullying, schools tend to protect their good name rather than provide justice for the victim.

Victims need to continue to be supported, accompanied and emotionally strengthened. This emotional support can help them overcome any trauma they may have experienced. Schools should not hesitate to provide punishment for perpetrators. Of course, with actions based on the legal rules that apply in Indonesia.


Schools need to have educational efforts, prevention and mitigation of the impact of bullying and effective ways to deal with it. Educational efforts, for example by strengthening character education for parents and students, prevention can be through teacher picketing both during class and break times so that they are always near students, installing CCTV, routinely monitoring student developments and changes, etc. Schools should not panic when there are cases bullying.

DP3AP2KB Tegal Regency stated that it was ready to collaborate with the Tegal Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM). The collaboration intended with IMM Tegal is to overcome the problem of violence against children and women in Tegal Regency. This is because data held by the Tegal Regency DP3AP2KB shows that there are many cases of violence against children and women.

In the words of Dyah Lies Monowati as DP3AP2KB, there were 42 cases of child violence throughout 2023. This figure also attracted a lot of attention, especially IMM Tegal and other organizations. “In Tegal Regency in 2022 there will be 42 cases of children with 67 victims. So the cases are smaller than the victims. So 32 cases are for children, while 10 cases are for women,” said Dyah.

He also stated that this case must be resolved and is ready to collaborate with IMM Tegal. DP3AP2KB Tegal Regency also feels obliged to thank IMM Tegal for its concern.


It is hoped that this collaboration will reduce the rate of violence against children and women in Tegal Regency. adding that this general stadium agenda is the first step before moving on to more agendas. The next agenda is to raise awareness, education and other strategic actions.

Efforts to prevent and handle violence in educational units are carried out by means of outreach regarding the importance of tolerance, respect and cooperation in the school environment. Form an anti-violence team tasked with monitoring and preventing incidents of violence. Provide training to teachers and school staff on the signs of violence and how to handle such situations.

Meanwhile, efforts to identify violence include listening to and paying attention to complaints from students, parents or school staff regarding violent behavior. Establish a violence reporting mechanism that is easily accessible to all parties. Conduct regular surveys or assessments about school safety.

Apart from that, there must be efforts to handle cases of violence, for example every report or indication of violence must be handled seriously and immediately. Involve the authorities if necessary, such as the police or child protection agencies. Providing psychological support to victims and perpetrators of violence.

And there needs to be education or training about violence by integrating learning related to violence, human rights, etc conflict resolution in the school curriculum. Hold seminars or workshops to increase understanding of violence among students and teachers.

Parental involvement is very important in efforts to prevent and handle violence in schools. The way to build open communication between schools and parents.

Apart from that, there needs to be disciplinary action and rehabilitation as an effort to implement appropriate disciplinary action against perpetrators of violence. This includes providing guidance and support to perpetrators to prevent the recurrence of violent behavior.

#Stop #Violence #Educational #Units

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