“Stories on the balcony”, in a book 40 lives suspended at the time of the pandemic

by time news

noon24 March 2022 – 18:12

Eboli, the first work of the journalist Silvana Scocozza is presented. Witnesses from Covid

Of G. B.

Intimacy in a collective form, History through stories, the private that becomes pleasantly public and that manages to hoard readers. In Eboli on Sunday 27 March at 6 pm «Stories on the balcony – signs of life in time of death», the debut in the bookstore of the journalist Silvana Scocozza, former correspondent of the Corriere del Mezzogiorno, written for the editions of «Il Saggio». The appointment is at «Patù bistrot» in via Enrico Perito. Now in its second reprint, the book is a collective diary of the pandemic written in a style halfway between the Time.news and the story. Inside there are the testimonies of 40 Ebolitans and others, collected by the journalist: forty stories at the time of Covid with which Scocozza came into contact as a member of the Municipal Operational Center of the City of Eboli for the management of the health emergency, as Function 8 – Communication and Mass Media. They are stories of fears and hopes, of illnesses and healings, of terror and courage, of life and death: the stories in which each of us will certainly be able to find traits of his own experience.

The difficult days

“When the pandemic surprised and overwhelmed us, each of us had to suddenly learn to deal with death, finding our own and necessary stratagem to survive the upheaval of everything, of every habit and, even, of social relations – explains the author – everyone has been called to launch their own “signal” of life. “Stories at the Balcony” was my sign of life. The way I found to observe and live extremely difficult days and months in the most lucid way, both from a human and professional point of view. The expedient to resist them and all that followed, using writing ». The book should have been publicly illustrated when it came out in December, but the resurgence of infections prevented its presentation.

A piece of history

During the meeting, the teacher Loredana Russo and the journalist Maria Vita Della Monica will talk with the author. The intervention of the publisher Giuseppe Barra and the active participation of those who, protagonists of this experience, have entrusted their history to the pages of a book that will remain as a precious testimony of a piece of history of an entire community. All proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the Italian Red Cross / Ukraine Emergency.

24 March 2022 | 18:12

© Time.News

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