“Stories saved my life” – time.news

by time news

The Neapolitan writer had been hospitalized urgently on 13 July. Now he retraces that experience with a long post on his Facebook page

“It beats. It still beats. Not that it ever stopped, of course. Let’s say that at a certain point he made up a story, and while he was telling it to me he became so empathetic that he became a little too realistic ». The writer Maurizio de Giovanni tells with a long post on his Facebook page the experience of heart attack that hit him last July 13 in Naples, his hometown.

The writer had been hospitalized urgently at Cardarelli and subjected to an angioplasty operation which then forced him to admission to intensive care. Now the 64-year-old father of Commissioner Ricciardi retraces those moments. And he does it like him, as a writer. With a mini story in which the protagonist is his own heart: «He said: let’s imagine that he decides to stop me. That this veil of cold sweat, this sense of oppression that you feel in your chest, this stupid pain in the middle of the shoulder blades is the beginning of an irreversible process. What happens right here, in the place that is dearest to you, exactly where you would like to be, inside the air that the one you love most has just breathed ».

A heart attack – writes the writer making his heart speak – which comes at a time when “You have lived long enough to laugh and cry”. Here, then, the “lightning, dazzling and immediate”, the rush to the hospital, “the brilliant nurse said code red having only looked me in the face from twenty meters.” She still recounts de Giovanni: “I felt rather a strange melancholy, a kind of absurd nostalgia for the future. A sense of lost things, a vague scruple, like when you fall asleep overwhelmed by fatigue and still have something important to do ». Until «the Professor said: here it is. It’s all OK. And he, the heart, smiled and said: but it was a good story».

The post on Facebook exceeded 12,000 likes in a few hours: «What I had to tell you today is that it beats. It still beats. And it beats for the same things as before, a blue and wretched city, and a happy and melancholy people who tell me stories. Stories that perhaps, and I say perhaps, have saved my life ».

July 29, 2022 (change July 29, 2022 | 15:12)

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