storm and temperature decline

by time news

2023-08-24 09:16:36

Thursday, the 24th, will see storms and temperature declines in some areas of Brazil. This is what informs the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet).

+ Check the weather forecast on the Revista Oeste website


Regarding the occurrence of storms, Inmet, an agency linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, issues an alert for the area covering the northern portion of Rio Grande do Sul and southern Santa Catarina. According to the forecast, it may rain about 100 millimeters until 10 am today.

Read more:

Apart from the accumulated volume of rain, for this part of the country there is still a risk of hail and wind gusts of up to 100 kilometers per hour. Because of this, the meteorological institute issues an orange alert, which represents “danger” for problems.

“Risk of power cuts, damage to plantations, falling trees and flooding”, informs Inmet. In other words, the institute states that this morning’s southern storm could affect the daily lives of people and those who work directly with them. agribusiness.

In the Southeast, the highlight from this Thursday afternoon — more precisely from 4 pm today until 9 am on Friday the 25th — will be the decline in temperature. According to Inmet, thermometers will register a drop of 3ºC to 5ºC. Thus, there is a yellow alert, of “potential danger”.

The area that should face temperature decline is restricted to the State of São Paulo. As per the Inmetthis climatic condition should occur over the Paraíba Valley, part of the metropolitan region of São Paulo (especially ABC Paulista), the entire south coast and part of the north coast (Bertioga and São Sebastião).

Storm, temperature decline and heat waves in weather forecast

Brazil: heat in the middle of winter | Photo: Reproduction/Freepik

The morning storm in the south and the drop in temperature in São Paulo are not, however, the only highlights of the day in Inmet’s weather forecast. This is because there are alerts related to heat waves and low relative humidity.

Read also: “Hailstorm leaves layer of ice in Santa Catarina”

Until 3 pm today, the alert — yellow — for a heat wave extends from southwest Mato Grosso do Sul, on the border of Brazil and Paraguay, to the Lagos Region, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. It thus covers areas of Paraná (northern half) and São Paulo (southwest, Ribeira Valley, the entire coastline and the Paraíba Valley).

Again, Inmet says that the yellow alert for a heat wave represents, above all, “a temperature 5ºC above the average for a period of two or three days.”

For the Northeast, the alert for the time is the same: potential danger because of a heat wave. The difference, however, is the period. The warning will be active until 23:59 today. The alert spot passes through seven of the nine states in the region: Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Bahia.

More heat wave and low humidity

Part of the country will have a hot day this Thursday, 24 — 8/23/2023 | Photo: Reproduction/Freepik

For another part of Brazil, the heat wave yellow alert will last longer. According to Inmet, this weather condition will need attention until 11 pm on Friday. And that goes for the extensive range that covers areas of 12 states, in addition to the Federal District:

Rondônia (the whole state), Amazonas (southeast), Pará (southern half) and Tocantins (the whole state).

Maranhão (southern half) and Bahia (far west).

Mato Grosso, Goiás, Federal District and Mato Grosso do Sul (northern portion).

Minas Gerais (with the exception of the northeast), São Paulo (northern half) and Rio de Janeiro (areas on the border with Minas Gerais).

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Finally, for the entire Midwest and parts of the North, Northeast and Southeast, Inmet warns, in its weather forecast, that there is potential danger of problems due to the low relative humidity of the air, which should vary from 20 % to 30% until 23:00 on Friday.

“Low risk of forest fires and health”, informs the Inmet, in relation to the problems that may occur in the country due to the low relative humidity of the air.

Thus, Inmet lists three instructions for anyone in the area that has a yellow alert due to low humidity:

drink plenty of fluids; avoid physical wear and tear in the driest hours; and avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest hours.

Read also: “The false climate emergency”, article by Ricardo Felício published on the website of Revista Oeste

#storm #temperature #decline

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