Storm Ciaran: more than a million French people still without a mobile network

by time news

2023-11-04 01:04:37

The trouble continues. “A million users do not have access” to the mobile network this Friday evening, the day after the passage of storm Ciarian in France, indicates on BFMTV Romain Bonenfant, Director General of the French Telecoms Federation. Up to 1.5 million users were deprived of mobile network during the bad weather, he said.

In addition to the mobile network, “200,000 users”, compared to 420,000 at dawn, are affected this Friday evening by a cut in fixed services.

According to a map available on the website of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications, Posts and Press Distribution (Arcep), Brittany and Normandy are particularly affected by the unavailability of the mobile network. This can be explained by the power cuts, which are still numerous in this area blown by the storm.

“Storm Ciaran: more than 1 million people are without mobile network. Thank you to the operators (of the French telecoms federation) @FFTelecoms @free mobilized, in conjunction with @Enedis, so that the restoration of power is accompanied by a rapid resumption of telecommunications”, wrote the Minister Delegate in charge of Digital Jean -Noël Barrot in a message, Thursday. He did not communicate this Friday on the subject.

Storm Ciaran, which crossed the northwest of the country with winds reaching 200 km/h, caused at least three deaths and extensive damage in France and led to around ten other deaths in Europe caused by storms. tree falls. France will be crossed this weekend by a new storm, Domingos, but this one promises to be less violent.

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