Storm on Rai for the “censorship” in Fedez. The Democratic Party asks for an apology, M5s wants the reform

by time news – Politics is divided on Rai the day after monologue by Fedez at the ‘concertone’ on May 1st. The Pd he wants the leaders of Piazza Mazzini to apologize for the censorship reported by the singer. while the 5 star movement it is more trenchant and demands the resignation of the managers involved, as well as a radical reform of the governance of the television public service.

For its part, Matteo Salvini goes on TV, guest of Barbara D’Urso, to try to explain the sense of the opposition of the League to Zan bill on homotransphobia, criticized by Fedez, and distances himself from the councilors of his party, cited by the rapper in his monologue, defining the phrases against homosexuals “disgusting”. From Forza Italia, the right to criticize the democratic initiative bill is claimed.

“The funny thing about the event of the concert on May 1st is to see the short circuit of a certain left that tears its clothes on censorship but then, in fact, sponsors bills that limit freedom of expression”, stigmatizes Giorgia Meloni, from the opposition front. From the parliamentary commission of Rai surveillance it is announced that the director of Rai3, Franco Di Mare, will be summoned to provide explanations on what happened yesterday.

© Maria Laura Antonelli / AGF

Salvini and Fedez

While, out of politics, the president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi, questioned on the case by Lucia Annunziata, defends the freedom to express every thought and wand “the hypocrisy” of politics that seems to forget that it is responsible for the appointment of the RAI top management.

Enrico Letta he is among the first to speak on the subject in the morning. “We expect clear words from Rai, apologies and clarifications”, says the dem secretary, adding that he wants to “thank Fedez” because “his words, strong and fully shared, make it possible to break a taboo, that is, that you cannot talking about rights because we are in a pandemic. Dealing with a pandemic does not mean that you cannot fight for rights, ius soli, like the Zan ddl “.

Later, the number one of the Nazarene publishes a tweet that seems to be in response to those who praise Fedez for the defense of the Zan bill, denouncing the lack of ‘engagement’ of politics. “It seemed superfluous to me to make a tweet like that. But I see that it is necessary; the Zan bill is named after Alessandro Zan, deputy of the Democratic Party. And the text was scheduled in the Senate, after the approval of the Chamber, on the initiative of the Democratic Party” , scans.

The 5-star Movement is definitely defending the rapper. “I’m with Fedez. No censorship”, tweets the former prime minister Giuseppe Conte. “I have known Fedez for a long time, besides being a very talented singer, he is a person who always puts his heart into everything he does”, he echoes. Luigi Di Maio, “A democratic country cannot accept any form of censorship”.

The Movement asks that the bill on the RAI reform be scheduled (also presented by the Democratic Party, in committee to the Senate, signed by Valeria Fedeli). In an afternoon post, Conte explains what idea he has about the future of the public service. “This is the right time to reform Rai and free it from political interference – he exhorts, in an appeal to all the forces of the majority -. If we do not thoroughly reform the governance, we will never achieve the conditions to bring about the desired revolution. The most radical intervention requires the establishment of a Foundation that offers the necessary guarantees of authority and pluralism and becomes the main shareholder of Rai “.

As regards the complained censorship of the concert, by the League, a question is announced in the Supervisory Committee. The former lumbards should also ask for access to the documents to read the contract with the company that organized the event, evaluate a report to Agcom about what happened and possibly ask the Rai legal offices to intervene to protect the corporate image and of the deputy director of Rai3 Ilaria Capitani, brought up by Fedez. “Fedez and Rai 3, controversy entirely internal to the left. Left artist, left ‘censors’. Long live music and freedom. Let’s wait for someone to pay and resign”, says Salvini, recalling that Capitani was “Veltroni’s spokesperson. , Pd Mayor of Rome “.

“Even yesterday the damage to the left-wing subdivision was evident”, he complains. “The next CEO is internal and deserving, without important cards, relatives or friendships and left-wing sponsors”.

“The free expression of one’s opinions cannot and must never be limited. And this is even more true for the public service network, which more than others must guarantee the fundamental principles and freedoms of our Republic”, protests the undersecretary of Italy alive to Infrastructures, Teresa Bellanova. “I hope that we can proceed as soon as possible with a change of leadership – he adds -. The current ones have proved dramatically not up to par. And while it is not surprising that Giuseppe Conte declares to be ‘Con Fedez’, demonstrating the usual embarrassing ambivalence of values, to those who wake up today shouting scandal we welcome: well wake up, we are waiting for you “.

“The attempted censorship made by the public service against Fedez is a very serious thing. It recalls methods and habits of the past that we thought were buried. Both the deputy director of Raitre who asked Fedez not to freely express their opinions and the top management of the public service will have to clarify and respond to the supervisory commission “, asks the parent company of Liberi e equuali from the Senate and member of the Rai Supervisory Commission, Loredana De Petris.


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