Storms: ten departments of the South-West placed in orange vigilance

by time news

The weather will be stormy this Friday in the southwest of France. In its 6-hour bulletin, Météo France placed 10 departments on storm alert. “A first stormy salvo concerns a large southwestern quarter of the country at the end of the night and morning, with sometimes a few hailstorms, strong electrical activity, and locally gusts of 60 to 80 km / h”, writes the organization. meteorological, which evokes a “stormy episode requiring particular vigilance due to a high risk of a violent phenomenon accompanied by heavy hail and gusts”.

The departments concerned are Landes, Tarn, Tarn-et-Garonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Hautes-Pyrénées, Haute-Garonne, Gers, Aveyron, Lot, and Lot-et-Garonne. Almost all of France, except the northern tip and the south-east are placed in yellow vigilance. For this area, “thunderstorms should be of less intensity, but special attention will be paid to those located in the vicinity of the departments in orange”, specifies Météo-France.

hot weather

High temperatures are expected. “From the Rhône valley to the Mediterranean rim, the day promises to be still hot despite an often veiled sun, explains the organization. Dense upper clouds hover over the Côte d’Azur and Corsica, sometimes giving a few drops. »

It forecasts “between 10 and 17 degrees from north to south, locally 18 to 20 on the Mediterranean coast”, in the morning. And in the afternoon, “20 to 25 degrees near the Channel and on the Atlantic coast, 25 to 29 over the rest of the country, locally 30 to 32 over Occitania and from the Rhône valley to Provence and Corsica “.

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