Stormy confrontation between Doreen Atias and Maya Wertheimer: “Some respect for the families of the murdered”

by time news

A heated confrontation took place on Instagram between Doreen Atias and Maya Wertheimer. Wertheimer visited last night (Monday) at the Ilka Bar on Dizengoff Street which returned to activity after the deadly attack in which three people were killed on Thursday. Wertheimer, who rose from her seven-year-old father Eitan, arrived at the bar with her husband, Assaf Zamir, when Prime Minister Naftali Bennett visited the place.

Zamir posted a story on Instagram in which he wrote: “We got up from Maya’s father’s inauguration and came to Ilka. We were happy to see the place completely full on the eve of its reopening after the horrific attack. “Tel Aviv went through many terrorist attacks during my life and with all the sadness she always knew how to get back on her feet and prove that nothing will defeat our living spirit.”

Wertheimer also staged stories from the place several times, in which she documented Prime Minister Bennett and wrote, among other things: “Tachles, congratulations. Seeing everyone like that excites me. ”

TV presenter Doreen Atias responded to her remarks in a number of stories on her part: “In these moments at the Ilka Bar, Maya Wertheimer uploads an insensitive, horrifying video. Cheeky! Ministers with Israel live on the blood of children whose parents are still sitting on them seven. Raising to life, a huge smile on his face. Okay, we realized they would not break us, but a second. Allow it all without uploading videos, without sucking likes at any cost. Maya Wertheimer, what do you have ?! ”.

From the story of Doreen Atias

Atias also wrote: “Do what you want. I am happy for the recovering Ilka, but a little respect for the families of Barak, Tomer and with them who are surely shrinking in the face of these so insensitive images. ”

Atias tagged the smiling Prime Minister on his visit to the bar and wrote: “Look at your smile, Mr. Prime Minister, and with him you will continue with Barak’s wife, who probably will not sleep for two days,” she criticized, adding: “Are you sure this is the time? Shouldn’t families be allowed to finish seven first? Khalas with the slogans, obviously we can not be defeated, but this is not the right show to prove it. Mr. Prime Minister, not right now! ”

Maya Wertheimer posted a comment this morning: “I admit I am small and I do not really know when it is too early and when it is too late. I think it’s a personal matter where a person has to do what feels right to him in the situation. I did not go out yesterday because life is back to normal and I am going to drink beer for my fun. We came to the place to express support. We came specifically to convey a message that with all the difficulty life goes on, and terrorism cannot win and leave the country paralyzed. We spent the evening, among other things, with a guy who was seriously injured in a terrorist attack near the alley bar in 2016 and it was important for him to be there. To me, this indicates resilience and strength, and God forbid not contempt. My heart goes out to the families of those killed. “

From the story of Maya Wertheimer [/caption
Instagram screenshot

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