Strange planet denser than steel

by time news

2023-09-01 14:15:33

The planet TOI-1853b is similar in size to Neptune, but has a mass almost twice that of any other known planet with a similar diameter.

The mass of TOI-1853b is equivalent to about 73 times that of Earth.

The density of the star is incredibly high, surpassing even that of steel.

A team made up of, among others, Luca Naponiello, from the University of Rome Tor Vergata in Italy, and Phil Carter, from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, has come to the conclusion that the strange world is the result of collisions. between planets.

Analyzes carried out by Naponiello and Carter indicate that such a dense planet is only possible if it experienced extremely energetic planet-planet collisions during its formation.

In the case of TOI-1853b, these collisions removed a good part of the atmosphere and water, leaving a planet substantially rich in stone matter and, therefore, with a high density.

Artist’s recreation of TOI-1853b. (Image: Luca Naponiello)

Now the research team plans detailed observations to follow up on TOI-1853b to try to detect any traces of atmosphere it still possesses and to examine its chemical composition.

This exoplanet (planet outside our solar system) is a clear example that giant impacts are quite common in the formation of planets.

The study is titled “A super-massive Neptune-sized planet”, and has been published in the academic journal Nature. (Source: NCYT from Amazings)

#Strange #planet #denser #steel

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