Strategic importance Dnieper river | Russia on the Nieper River; Ukraine with the Holy Javelin, what is that sacred shield

by time news

Malayalee News

What has been holding Ukraine hostage for so long? The world powers, the media and the people are behind that question. The point is now clear. It is that sacred javelin that holds Ukraine in check, even if it is touched by Russian troops on the Nieper River. What is so special about the Nieper River? What is that holy shield. The coastal cities of the Nieper River are strategically located. Days later, the FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile strengthened Ukraine’s ability to fight Russian troops. The missile, known as the Holy Javelin, arrived in Ukraine in January last year.

The United States has provided Ukraine with 300 javelin missiles worth $ 200 million. It also has javelin missiles. Former President Donald Trump decided to give the javelin to Ukraine. Twenty years ago, the javelin was the military property of the U.S. military and NATO nations. The Ukrainians give their powerful javelin a divine appearance, which is why it is called the Holy Javelin.Images and stickers of St. Mary Magdalene holding a javelin missile are circulating throughout Ukraine. is one of the Canadian based websites for help for the people of Ukraine.The tank anti-tank weapon is unique in that its price is Rs 60 lakh. The Javelin missile is more powerful than most Russian armored vehicles. Russian troops dominate Ukrainian coastal cities. Russia is moving to split Ukraine by completely occupying the eastern half of the Nieper River, one of Ukraine’s major rivers. Russia’s move is also aimed at seizing border ports and seizing Ukraine’s borders to the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov.

Russia’s long-cherished dream of expanding naval power to the Romanian coast has been met by the fact that the coastal cities of the Nieper River are strategically located. Curson is a major port on the way to the capital, Kiev, on the Delta River. It has been captured by Russia. The delta region of the Nieper River is the food chamber of Ukraine. Crimea, the gateway to Ukraine by sea, was previously occupied by Russia. With the capture of the port city of Odessa, the Black Sea border extending to Moldova will fall to Russia. Russia has already launched an offensive in Odessa. With the fall of the important ports of Mariupol, Melitopol and Berdyansk, Russia has no other barriers to the south. Saproshya, the nearest large coastal city from the Donbass region, opened its way from the Donbass to Nieper, which was full of Russian supporters. Russia is currently clearing Ukraine’s Black Sea and Azov Sea borders. If Odessa falls, the Black Sea will close in front of Ukraine and Ukraine will become a landlocked country. Russian domination of the Black Sea and the Azov as far as the Romanian coast is beyond the reach of not only Ukraine but also NATO. In anticipation of this, Ukraine has asked Turkey to deny entry to Russian warships in the Black Sea.

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