«Strategic South in Europe, high vigilance on the PNRR and energy security»

by time news

Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, security and control of the territory are priority factors in the government’s action: what is the scenario in the large cities and in particular in the South also in light of the recent provision that allocates 19 million euros for the installation of 243 urban video surveillance systems?
“Video surveillance systems are one of the pieces of a broader strategy for security in cities: the use of these technologies allows for a significant increase in the number of perpetrators of crimes who are discovered. Precisely for this reason, we are counting on finding additional resources to allocate to the projects of other administrations that we have not been able to finance so far. Obviously, this strategy also includes other initiatives, such as high-impact operations and, more generally, all those aimed at increasing operational resources in places with the greatest frequency.”


What is the data on Naples?
“In the city of Naples alone, since the beginning of last year, 240 high-impact operations have been carried out, with the use of over 10,000 police units. Approximately 170,000 people have been checked, 184 arrested and more than 2,000 reported. The action to combat the spread of firearms, even among the very young, has led to the seizure of over 950. In the capital of Campania, six new police stations have been opened in hospitals, three of which in the last six months. To tackle juvenile crime, attention has also been paid to school dropouts with the adoption of new surveillance tools. Over the last year, in the 92 municipalities of the metropolitan area, there have been 3,340 reports of failure to attend school, 2,119 warnings to parents by mayors and 727 reports sent to the judicial authorities.”

However, the management of PNRR funds related to major works represents a “tasty” opportunity for crime, with a high risk especially in the South. What prevention measures have been adopted and what real dangers still remain?
“The huge flow of resources in the territories increases the risk of infiltration due to the increasingly “entrepreneurial” vocation of mafia organizations that rapidly change interests and methods of action. For this reason we have strengthened all initiatives to protect public investments. We have done so by strengthening the National Anti-Mafia Database and strengthening the Inter-force Groups that operate in the Prefectures. We are working together with the Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office”.

The Viminale is always very attentive to the danger of “mala gestio” in public administrations. After the Bari case, an access commission has also been set up in Caserta, while recent judicial investigations have highlighted hypotheses of criminal infiltration (Contini clan) also in health facilities in Naples. Are the current prevention tools effective or should the control mechanism on public bodies be improved?
“The rules are there and already allow for adequate forms of control. It must always be kept in mind that interventions on democratically elected institutions must always be carefully and proportionately considered. The changed interests of criminal organizations are also expressed with attempts to influence public administrations that we must be able to intercept promptly and counter with incisive and targeted interventions.”

Is the Caivano model a format that can be replicated in other areas of the South? And which ones?
“The awareness of a more generalized problem of the suburbs throughout the national territory materialized precisely with the so-called Caivano decree that provided for the establishment of a specific Observatory that operates at the Viminale. This initiative followed directives already previously issued to the prefects to report the critical areas in which to intervene with respect to situations of marginalization and degradation. These are the bases on which the government’s intentions to extend the intervention model that we have tested in Caivano can be developed and that concerns not only the fight against criminal phenomena but, even before, actions to deal with social distress, offering young people points of reference that are lacking in some situations”.

The current international scenario with the Russia-Ukraine, Middle East and Suez Canal crises has increased tension in relation to a possible resumption of terrorist acts. What is the current situation and what role does Italy play?
“The escalation of every international conflict brings with it the risk of repercussions on internal security. So far we have managed to effectively address the terrorist threat. This is also thanks to the careful monitoring by the police forces and the intelligence sector which has led to an increase in the number of expulsions from the national territory of individuals at risk of radicalization or terrorist extremism: 82 since 7 October last year. We remain vigilant without giving in to alarmism”.

The government’s commitment to contractual pay increases for law enforcement was deemed insufficient by some unions. Could more have been done (given)?
“For the dedication and professionalism they express, the operators of the Police Forces would always deserve something more. However, the resources deployed by the government are not at all insufficient and this has also been acknowledged by the majority of the unions representing them. The bargaining table started by Minister Zangrillo plans to close the agreement as soon as possible, already at the resumption after the summer break”.

Illegal landings have decreased by 60% thanks also to political-diplomatic agreements with some African countries, in particular Ivory Coast, Tunisia and Libya. If this strategy of dialogue is working, is it to be considered in the medium-long term? And at what point is the operation of transfers to Albania?
“Political and diplomatic agreements are essential to combat and eradicate human trafficking. The results we are obtaining are the direct consequence of effective technical and operational agreements, inserted in a broader context of collaboration with transit and departure countries that Prime Minister Meloni has placed at the top of the government’s political agenda. The creation of the centers in Albania is only one, albeit important, of the initiatives that are part of this strategy which, it is always good to remember, most European countries are looking at carefully. In the coming weeks, upon completion of the infrastructure construction work, we will be ready to carry out the first transfers.”

With the Mattei Plan, Italy has returned to being a protagonist in relations with Africa in a new vision of development and common security. What are the opportunities for the South in this scenario?
“The government is focusing on the South with investments in infrastructure and economic development. Macroeconomic data confirm that the South is experiencing a period of growth. Investing in North Africa – as Italy is doing, leading the EU down this path – is a great opportunity for the South, which, even just for its geographical location, can represent a direct interlocutor of these countries.”

The G7 with the ministerial meeting next October in Mirabella Eclano and in Irpinia is one of the objectives to which you have been very committed as a minister. What will be the strengths of the organization and how much did the “parochial” factor influence the choice?
“I admit that my Irpinia origins have had an impact on my emotional level. But, precisely because of my personal knowledge of the potential of this territory, both cultural and logistical, I am certain that the G7 will represent an important opportunity to contribute to giving a good image of our country. Mirabella Eclano and more generally Irpinia have great cultural and historical traditions. This is demonstrated, among other things, by the fact that they are lands crossed by the Appia Antica, recently declared a world heritage site. I believe that, like all the internal areas of our country, they must be relaunched and valorized”.

Finally, still on the G7: one of the qualifying points on the agenda is global security against cyber attacks, economic and financial crime and the risk of hostile actions against strategic plants in the energy sector. The recent memoranda of understanding signed by the Viminale with Enel and Snam also fit into this context. What is the objective that Italy aims to achieve with the summit?
“Collaboration with major economic and industrial players is also essential to counter the increasingly insidious actions of criminal groups. The issues you refer to are the subject of particular attention by specific and competent branches of the Ministry of the Interior, which we have recently further strengthened also towards an improvement in the capacity for strategic analysis. At the G7 we want to strengthen cooperation with our global partners and strengthen global responses against crime also in these aspects”.

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