Strengthen People’s Struggles Against Imperialism – Janayugom Online

by time news

Janayugom Webdesk

November 15, 2022 4:49 am

(Declaration document of the 22nd International Conference of Communist and Workers’ Parties held in the Cuban capital, Havana, from October 27 to 29. 145 delegates from 78 Communist and Workers’ Parties from 60 countries participated in the conference. Dr. K Narayana, member of the Central Secretariat, participated as a representative of the CPI).

The current hegemonic efforts of imperialism have imposed an unjust and unstable international order. Exploitation has intensified and the condition of the working class and the lower classes has worsened. This led to an increase in conflicts, hostility and war situations. This imperialist state has even hindered solutions to global problems like Covid-19. Meanwhile, socialist countries—especially Cuba—countered it with public health systems and scientific development policies that demonstrated the superiority of socialism. Communists aim for a new world order based on sustainable development, social justice and solidarity, ending the exploitation of man by man, reciprocity between rulers and people, peace and fulfillment of social needs. As a consequence of imperialist aggression and geopolitical realignment, an increase in the arms race, the strengthening and expansion of NATO, and the emergence of new military alliances are all intensifying tensions and military conflicts in the world. Ukraine is an example. The resurgence of fascism, the Cold War and the threat of nuclear conflict seen in various parts of the world must be opposed and defeated. The strengthening nature of profit-making capitalism leads to inequality, polarization of wealth, exclusion and migration flows. This should be strongly condemned. Because it leads to worsening food crisis and environmental crisis.

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The bourgeois political system, which protects the interests of monopolies and corporations, is using even the natural crisis of capitalism for its own benefit. The growing social discontent of the workers and the people is being tried to be suppressed through pressure and violence. As the US and its allies, increasingly weakened by internal crises and facing powerful adversaries, are stepping up their duplicitous stance, sanctions policies to threaten, coercive conquest approaches, and even military intervention in countries’ internal affairs. The arsenal of subversive activities is increasingly being deployed through unconventional means of warfare—especially the media. These means are also used to destabilize governments that do not align with their interests. The first step to the struggle of the world working class against the capitalist system of exploitation and the strengthening of the class struggle against bourgeois and imperialism is the unity of the indigenous and popular movements and the communist and labor movement.
Plans must be formulated for a world order of peace, justice and social equality.
In order to achieve these goals, the parties participating in the 22nd National Congress of the Communist-Workers’ Parties decided to work together towards the following goals.

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We must join efforts to strengthen the struggle against imperialism and take a strong part in efforts to change the unjust and undemocratic international order based on capitalist interests. The replacement must be an international order based on peace, sustainable development, social justice and solidarity to pave the way for the construction of a socialist society. Such a world order must respect peoples’ right to self-determination, freedom, sovereignty, equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of nations, and the legal right of peoples to peace and to choose their own path of development. We must reject imperialist wars, resist threats and coercion in international relations, and strengthen the struggle for peace. Condemn the arms race and the cuts in social spending caused by arms spending, the financing of nuclear weapons and the maintenance and modernization of foreign military bases, and mobilize people against NATO and its expansion into a global military organization.

Fight against anti-communist, reactionary, ultra-nationalist and fascist forces that intensify violence and hatred, intensify political-ideological-social-racial-religious-gender discrimination and intolerance, promote racism and create national conflicts in different parts of the world. Imperialist countries use embargoes and unilateral coercion as tools to blackmail and pressure the governments and peoples of countries opposed to them. These double standards should be exposed and solidarity movements with the people of countries facing such problems should be strengthened. The ideological, cultural and symbolic onslaught of imperialism aimed at legitimizing the injustices of the capitalist system, disqualifying socialism and communism, erasing and destroying the cultural identity of nations must be strongly countered. It has to take responsibility to protect and promote Marxist-Leninist ideals and strengthen all the just and liberating struggles of the people.

Solidarity with the struggles of workers, peasants, indigenous peoples, youth and women’s organizations for the protection of their rights and against imperialism should be increased. We should also stand by the side of victims of wars and refugees. The profit-oriented capitalist development model that destroys the environment and endangers the survival of ecosystems and species must be resisted and fought against. The document of the 22nd International Conference declares that it will work to strengthen the unity of the communist and workers’ movement internationally by aligning with social and popular movements against imperialist hegemony. The document also emphasized that people’s struggles for the destruction of capitalism, strengthening of socialism and revolutionary transformations for its construction should be fostered worldwide.

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