Strengthening trade and industrial cooperation between Libya and Niger

by time news

Since March 14, 2023, Niamey has hosted the second edition of the ”Made in Libya” fair intended to promote Libya’s industrial know-how and create, for this second edition, lasting trade relations between Niger and Libya. . At the official ribbon-cutting ceremony late yesterday afternoon at the Mahatma Gandhi International Conference Center, the Minister of Commerce of Niger and his Libyan counterpart for industry and minerals, in the presence of the President of the Republic Mohamed Bazoum and Libyan Prime Minister Abdoulhamid Mohamed Dhabeiba, proceeded to the signing of the agreement for the construction of the Misrata-Agadez road.

At the official launch ceremony, the Minister of Trade, Mr. Alkache Alhada, welcomed the “massive” presence of Libyan economic and industrial operators who initiated this meeting despite the security context prevailing in the sub-region. . This high-level delegation led by the Libyan Prime Minister, he said, eloquently reflects the exemplary nature and solidarity of the relations that unite Libya and Niger, as well as the solidarity that exists between the Nigerien and Libyan peoples, which “denotes the common will of the highest authorities of the two countries to spare no effort to further promote cooperation between our two countries”.

Mr. Alkache Alhada affirmed that the strategic position of Niger, straddling the Maghreb and Africa south of the Sahara, constitutes an opportunity to reach all the other countries in the South of the continent. He calls on the two countries to work together to develop the necessary infrastructure, particularly roads, railways, energy, to facilitate the achievement of their ambitions. The Libya-Niger economic and trade forum, he added, will make it possible to introduce Nigerien consumers and traders to “the economic and trade possibilities of Libya, to develop commercial exchanges between Niger and Libya, to strengthen commercial relations , industries of the two countries, contribute to the intensification of intra-African trade”.

For his part, the Libyan Minister of Industry and Minerals, Mr. Ahmed Abou Hessa, assured that Niger and Libya will work tirelessly to facilitate industrial, cultural and commercial cooperation between the two countries, but also with the other countries of the continent because, he continued, the development of countries goes through industrial development. “In this exhibition, we will benefit from the ideas and we invite all the professionals of the African industry to join us so that we can have good results for our great African continent. Libya will give what it can so that Africa can move forward, so that Libya can also move forward”, concluded Mr. Ahmed Abou Hessa.

After the signing of the agreement for the construction of the Misrata-Agadez road, the Prime Minister of Libya, HE Abdulhamid Mohamed Dhabeiba intervened to recall the very old relationship of brotherhood that exists between Niger and his country while welcoming the dynamism observed over the past two years in diplomatic relations between the two countries. “By the Grace of Allah, we are going to launch the road between Misrata and Agadez, which will allow us to live our ancient history and allow us to bring Libya back to the African continent”, rejoiced the Prime Minister of Libya. who also said he was confident of the victory of Libya and Niger over the terrorism they ardently fight.

HE Abdulhamid Mohamed Dhabeiba praised the organization of the exhibition in Niger and explained the opportunities for entrepreneurs and industrialists in both countries. “Misrata and also the Libyan population, he said, are committed to giving the opportunity to entrepreneurs, to companies, to work again in the development of trade between our two countries and also between the member countries of the CENSAD. I invite you today to multiply these kinds of agreements and conventions between our two countries which strengthen our friendship, our love and the fraternity between our two countries”, wished the Libyan Prime Minister.

Several presentations and discussions will be animated throughout the duration of the exhibition. In addition to direct B2B contacts between businessmen and industrialists from Libya and Niger, the themes of exchanges will focus on trade and the development of transit trade and on opportunities for trade, finance and trade. joint investments. Several workshops are also scheduled by Libyan exhibitors.

Souleymane Yahaya (onep)

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