Strict limits for exposure to lead and diisocyanates

by time news

2023-11-16 01:35:28

This Tuesday, the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement to reduce the limit of exposure to lead in the professional environment from 0.15 milligrams per cubic meter (0.15 mg/3) to 0.03 mg/m3 and introduce for the first once you bump into the diisocianatos –substances linked to respiratory diseases such as asthma–, as a reinforcement of health protection in sectors that will be boosted by the green transition and climate neutrality objectives.

These chemicals are frequently used in key sectors of the ecological transition promoted by the EU, such as the production of batteries, electric vehicles, insulating materials for construction or wind energy.

It is provisional agreementwhich has yet to be endorsed by both institutions, seeks to limit the effects on workers of these chemicals frequently used in key sectors of the ecological transition promoted by the EU, such as the production of batteries, electric vehicles, insulating materials for construction or wind power.

The co-legislators have supported in their text the parameters already proposed by the European Commission’s proposal to reduce the limit of professional exposure from 0.15 milligrams per cubic meter (0.15 mg/3) to 0.03 mg/m3.

Transitional period of three years

Regarding the biological limit value, the directive provides for a three-year transitional period – in addition to the two-year transposition period – during which the limit will be set at 30 micrograms per 100 milliliters of blood. After this period, the biological limit value should be reduced to 15 micrograms per 100 milliliters of blood.

Some 100,000 workers in the EU are exposed to this substance, which can seriously affect health, especially with regard to sexual function and fertility, and can cause damage to the development of the fetus and lead to birth problems. nervous system, kidneys, heart and blood

According to data from the Community Executive, some 100,000 workers in the EU are exposed to this substance, which can seriously affect health, especially with regard to sexual function and fertility, and can cause damage to development. of the fetus. Likewise, excessive exposure can cause problems in the nervous system, kidneys, heart and blood.

Besides, for the first time the limit values ​​for diisocyanates will be regulatedso that a maximum of 6 micrograms NCO/m3 is established as the maximum concentration of a substance in the air that a worker breathes during a reference period of eight hours, while the maximum threshold for short-term exposure (15 minutes) is 12 micrograms NCO/m3, about values ​​that Brussels will review in 2029.

#Strict #limits #exposure #lead #diisocyanates

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