Strike against pension reform: towards a “black day” in Parisian transport

by time news

Are we on the eve of a long-term social conflict in Ile-de-France transport, like the one that had paralyzed the RATP for weeks at the end of 2019? Three days before the interprofessional mobilization against the pension reform, the extent of the mobilization is still difficult to assess.

No “unitary” mobilization at the RATP. The four representative unions of the Régie – CGT, FO, Unsa and the CFE-CGE – however all called for a strike on Thursday. If the CGT (majority in the company) has “recycled” an unlimited strike notice filed in December 2019, it does not call on agents to strike for more than 24 hours. “Anyway, not for now. But we will do everything to make this Thursday a black day in transport, ”says one of the union officials.

“The mobilization of agents is more complicated than in 2019. The attack is less frontal”, nuance Jean-Christophe Delprat, federal secretary FO transport. RATP agents hired “out of status” (and therefore subject to the same retirement conditions as in the private sector) are a very small minority in the company.

“Those with RATP status (approximately 40,000 agents or 93% of the workforce) will also be impacted by the pension reform. But according to specific criteria so complex (and not all known) that the agents find it difficult to measure the consequences, ”explains the union representative.

A telescoping with the agreement on working conditions

So it is difficult to mobilize on changes to special regimes with still very vague outlines? The tense social climate of recent months at the Régie, salary issues or the sensitive file of the opening up of the RATP bus network to competition “have generated anger in the company”, we recall. union side. “This should play in favor of a strong mobilization. »

Still, the question of pensions is telescoped, at the RATP, with other files which could on the contrary appease social tensions. The representative unions signed, on January 6, the social agreement on the new working conditions of the 18,000 bus and tram drivers. They will be entitled to a monthly increase of 372 euros gross in compensation for the increase in working time (120 hours more per year) put in place to prepare the company for competition.

The NAO (mandatory annual negotiations), which were held last Friday at the RATP, also led management to propose an annual salary increase of 1,365 euros net, for all agents. With review clause during the year 2023 to take inflation into account. The trade unions have until Monday, January 23 to sign this agreement.

Traffic forecasts expected on Tuesday

What influence the participation in the strike at the RATP? “I don’t know yet what the impact of the social movement will be,” said Jean Castex, the group’s new CEO, last Friday. “But the unions have filed strike notices squares, that is to say limited to one day, ”recalled the former Prime Minister.

The traffic forecasts for January 19, at the RATP as on the Transilien network, will be known this Tuesday at the end of the afternoon. Various travel associations have already called on their members to favor, when possible, teleworking this Thursday.

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