Strike at a McDonald’s for higher wages and better working conditions

by time news

For the first time, a social movement affects the McDonald’s of Pont-Sainte-Maxence (Oise). Among the forty employees, several are on strike this Friday. They are asking for an increase in wages but also intend to denounce their working conditions, indicates News Oise. According to the CGT union representative elected to the Social and Economic Committee (CSE), discussions with management concerning an increase in remuneration due to inflation would not have succeeded.

At the same time, the brand is accused of having increased its prices. During a negotiation meeting, the management mentioned a “possible” salary increase. The union representative explained that he could not be satisfied with an eventuality. “We want certainty, we want 8% now! “, he reacted.

The staff representative also pointed to the pressure suffered and degraded working conditions. He spoke of employees forced to “hide in the locker room to cry” after the “borderline remarks” of certain managers. The strike could be renewed, especially during busy days, if the demands were not heard.

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