Strike in most local authorities: these are the services that will not work

by time news

Serious disruptions are expected today during the strike in most of the local and regional authorities, which was decided by the local government center, claiming cuts in the state budgets for the authorities. Jerusalem announced that it would not take part in the protest. The shutdown causes disagreements among residents, who will once again have to bear the cost of financial disagreements between the local authorities and the government. It is estimated that many parents will be forced to stay in their homes due to the shutdown, due to not finding a solution for their children.

Due to the strike in the education system: hundreds of thousands of students will stay at home today

The local government center announced that the workers will receive full wages for the day of the strike. The strike in the authorities will include the departments of education, welfare and maintenance, the urban center for informal education and culture. The workers will come to the municipal offices, but they will not answer the phones and there will be no public reception. However, contrary to the announcement by the local government center about shutting down the Shafa branches, which focus on garbage collection, there are authorities, including Ramat Gan, that have announced that garbage collection will take place outside the cities.

The strike will also include schools, kindergartens and day care centers, as well as the assistance system. In light of this, kindergartens will be closed, and after-school centers will not operate either.
The strike is supposed to include teachers and education staff who are employees of the local authority, security guards of educational institutions in all educational settings, including elementary schools and divisions, as well as the entire system of transportation in regular education.

On the other hand, the special education institutions will be excluded from the strike, including the system of transportation in the special education and the security of the institutions where special education children study. The local government center raised a series of demands, including the solution to the crisis of helpers in the kindergartens. According to the local government center, there is a shortage of about 3,000 staff members, kindergarteners and assistants in the kindergartens alone. “The parents and the children wake up every morning to their ‘routine roulette’ and find out if the kindergarten opens today and if they go to work,” the demand stated.

In the local government center, they are demanding a comprehensive reform of the aides’ wages, to improve their professional status, and to define the position as a preferred job upon release from the IDF. It is also claimed that there is a shortage of classrooms, and that there is a need for a new salary agreement for secondary school teachers, indemnification by the state for financing student transportation , updating the balance grant budget, updating the development grants and state assistance in strengthening buildings and urban renewal.

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