Strike of February 16: SNCF, RATP, schools, energy… What to expect this Thursday?

by time news

The situation could be close to normal in many sectors this Thursday. For the 5th day of mobilization and strike against the pension reform, the disturbances should be more limited than the previous times. But a hardening of the movement could well see the light of day at the beginning of March.

Less strong movement at the SNCF

At SNCF, traffic on the TGV and OuiGo network will be only slightly affected: 4 out of 5 trains will run. Traffic will be almost normal on all lines, except on the South East and OuiGo axis (more than 2 trains out of 3) and on the Province to Province axis (2 trains out of 3). Traffic will be almost normal for Eurostar, Thalys and other international connections. More disruptions are to be expected for Intercités and TER, with nearly one in two trains.

“Almost normal” traffic in Paris

In Parisian transport, in particular, metro traffic will be “almost normal” on Thursday, said the RATP, as on the bus and tram network. On the RER depending on the transport authority, traffic will be “slightly disturbed”. On the other hand, the RATP has already called for a renewable strike from March 7. On the SNCF side, concerning the RER B, it is necessary to count on one train out of two.

Air transport most affected

This time, it is air transport which is likely to be more affected – whereas they had been only slightly concerned during the previous days of mobilization. 30% of flights will be canceled this Thursday at Orly airport, following a call for a strike by air traffic controllers. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) has required carriers to cancel, moreover, 20% of their aircraft movements at the airports of Toulouse, Marseille, Lyon, Montpellier and Nantes. In its press release, the body specifies that the disturbances could start as early as this Wednesday evening and end on Friday morning.

Two areas on vacation

On the school side, the mobilization had already declined since the first day of mobilization. The trend could continue this Thursday, since zones A and B are on vacation. The various unions – FSU, UNSA Education, FNEC-FP-FO, Sgen-CFDT, CGT Educ’action, SNALC and SUD Education – are still calling for “a day of interprofessional actions throughout the territory on February 16 “. But it is especially on March 7 that the movement should be intensive in schools, with a call to “completely close schools, colleges, high schools and services”.

The call of the CGT in several sectors

In other sectors, the CGT has called on dockers, electricians, gas workers, chemical and glass workers to strike and take part in the demonstrations that will be organized throughout France. However, it is not yet a hardening of the conflict, the federations still seeking “together the conditions for raising and widening the balance of power”. During the previous strike day, February 7, reductions in energy production had been observed (4,500 MW less in the power stations) without this impacting individuals.

If the movement is likely to run out of steam this Thursday in certain sectors at least, it could well start again on March 7, date of the next day of mobilization. Union organizers have already said they are ready to “bring the country to a halt” if the executive does not react.

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