Strike of January 31: SNCF, RATP, schools, refineries, ski resorts… sector-by-sector forecasts

by time news

A new big day of mobilization against the pension reform and a black Tuesday to be expected? The first, on January 19, had mobilized more than a million demonstrators everywhere in France according to the authorities, two million according to the unions. As a new inter-union and inter-professional movement approaches this Tuesday, January 31, Le Parisien takes stock of the disruptions to be expected sector by sector.

At the SNCF

The four representative unions at SNCF (CGT Cheminots, SUD Rail, Unsa Ferroviaire and CFDT Cheminots) have called on railway workers to join the strike movement “massively”. The SNCF thus plans to maintain only one out of three TGVs (InOui and OUIGO) at the national level. On the northern axis, there will be 2/5 InOui, 1/2 for the eastern axis, 1/4 on the Atlantic axis and 1/2 for journeys to and from the southeast. Two OUIGO out of five should circulate. For travel between regions, the SNCF anticipates 1/3 TGV.

Intercités traffic will be very severely degraded with no traffic planned, except for a round trip for the Paris-Clermont, Paris-Limoges-Toulouse and Bordeaux-Marseille lines. The Intercités will not run overnight from Monday to Tuesday but also from Tuesday to Wednesday. Only two out of ten TERs will run, the SNCF inviting users to find out about the SNCF application and the TER site. For international trains, if the Eurostar and the Thalys should experience almost normal traffic, it will be severely disrupted for Lyria trains and with 1/4 train for other links abroad.

At the RATP

Again, the inter-union of Parisian transport called on Wednesday the employees to go on strike on January 31. Strong disruptions are to be expected on all lines. The RATP foresees normal traffic with risk of saturation on automatic lines 1 and 14.

In detail, 7 and 7 bis provide for one in three trains. Line 4 provides one out of two trains (during peak hours), as does line 2 (between 5:30 a.m. and 8 p.m., the line will be closed outside these hours) and line 9. Line 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 , 11 and 13 provide on the whole one out of three trains. Traffic will be particularly slow on line 12 with one train out of 4 in circulation. Please note that line 3bis will be closed all day.

Regarding the RER, on average one in two trains will run on line A during peak hours and one in four during off-peak hours. For the RER B, one train in two will run on average at peak times and one train in three at off-peak times. Traffic will be more complicated for RER C, D and E. On the C, no traffic is planned between Invalides and Pontoise/Saint-Quentin en Yvelines/Versailles Rive Gauche. For RER D users, the interconnection between Châtelet and Gare de Lyon will be suspended, there will be no trains between Châtelet and Gare de Lyon.

For the Transiliens, the RATP plans one train out of three for lines H and U, one train out of four for line K and only one train out of ten for lines J, L, N, P and R (no traffic between Melun and Montereau via Hericy). Finally, 8 out of 10 trams and 8 out of 10 buses will run on the entire network.

In many other French cities, public transport had been disrupted on January 19, and could be disrupted again this Tuesday, as in Marseille or Lyon.

In the air

The USAC-CGT, union of agents of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, has also filed a strike notice for January 31, as has the CGT Air France, which is calling for mobilization. The DGAC has asked airlines to reduce their flight schedule by 20% for Tuesday January 31, 2023 at Paris-Orly airport. Despite these preventive measures, disruptions and delays are nevertheless to be expected.

If no traffic forecast has yet been communicated, all the unions at Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport have also expressed their desire to strike on Tuesday, according to information from RMC.

At school

A day at home for the kids? The education and high school students’ unions called in a joint statement for the January 31 movement to be “even stronger” than that of January 19. “We are united and determined to have this pension reform project withdrawn,” they write. According to the Ministry of National Education, 42.35% of teachers had followed the call to strike on January 19 in primary schools and 34.66% in colleges and high schools.

In public services

The civil service trade unions “continue to demand that the government renounce the postponement of the legal retirement age from 62 to 64”, and thus call in a joint statement on civil servants “to participate actively” in the mobilization of this Tuesday. They say they are “determined” that the demonstrations will be “successful”, recalling that “hundreds of thousands of officers” were on strike on January 19.

At the Post Office

At the level of the Post Office, Sud PTT also called on employees to mobilize on January 31. “We are putting a serious layer on it! Union unity is maintained for this next day of strikes and demonstrations. (…) Let’s get together, discuss renewing the strike, block the economy! launches the union in its press release.

In the energy sector

In refineries and EDF power plants, a movement took place on January 26 at the call of the CGT Petroleum, but was suspended in order to “preserve” for January 31. A second call to strike for 72 hours from February 6 has also been launched by the unions. The call to strike leads to “decreases in flow” and “the stoppage of shipments”, assured Éric Sellini, national coordinator of the CGT for TotalEnergies.

On the menu of the mobilization, also “positive” actions à la Robin des Bois, such as free energy for example, in order to counterbalance the reproaches addressed after the announcement of “targeted cuts”, in particular against elected officials.

In the ports

The National Federation of Ports and Docks of the CGT also reported in a press release a “strong mobilization of workers in almost all French ports, with often 100% strikers and ports completely stopped” on the occasion of a mobilization on January 26. She called to continue the movement with a new one-day work stoppage on January 31, and promised to amplify “the fight from the week of February 6 through renewable actions”.

In ski resorts

The two main unions of ski lift employees, Force Ouvrière (FO) and the CGT, have filed strike notices for January 31, in order to protest against the pension reform project, but also against the modification of the pension plan. unemployment insurance for seasonal workers. However, “the lifts will operate normally from the next day”, says Éric Becker, FO general secretary of ski lifts and seasonal workers, because the union does not wish to “further weaken companies already in difficulty”.

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