Strike of March 28: number of demonstrators, “radicalization” … what the information provides

by time news

Will Tuesday be the same chaotic day as last Thursday? This is what territorial intelligence provides, in a note that Le Parisien was able to consult. The tenth day of mobilization against the pension reform, this Tuesday, March 28, should have “a physiognomy similar to that of March 23 in terms of blockages, strikes, but also clashes and degradations”, indicates the information.

VIDEO. “We were scared”: Parisians in shock after the violence of March 23

They estimate that the various gatherings on French territory could bring together between 650,000 and 900,000 demonstrators, in potentially 200 municipalities. “The base of trade union employees estimated at between 500,000 and 600,000 people should once again respond, supported by representatives of civil society clearly opposed to this pension reform and government policies”, specifies the note.

In a context of violent clashes on Saturday in Sainte-Soline, during a demonstration against mega basins, Tuesday will strongly mobilize young people, predict the police. “The subject of repression and police violence, widely taken up by elected officials and in many media, could crystallize the anger of young people. They could then be much more numerous to take part in the actions initiated on March 28. »

“Radicalization” of some trade unionists

Some of these young people, who initially did not “feel concerned” by the pension reform, “finally joined the movement on March 23, outraged by the use of Article 49.3 of the Constitution”, notes the note. This Tuesday, they should therefore block schools again early in the morning, before joining the processions en masse.

Finally, “trade unions report a radicalization of some of their members, tempted to join certain citizen movements or radicalized groups in violent actions”. They will be mobilized from 5 o’clock in the morning until late in the evening, the objective being “to exhaust the forces of order”.

Territorial intelligence fears “serious incidents in about fifty cities”, more particularly in the bastions of the ultra-left.

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