Strong impact from a private taxi leaves a Peugeot overturned on the sidewalk

by time news

2023-12-04 23:09:49

Photo: Enrique Pedro | Facebook

Text: Hugo León

A white Peugeot brand car ended up overturned on the sidewalk of a busy street in Santiago de Las Vegas, on the outskirts of Havana, due to a strong collision with a private taxi.

The accident occurred this Monday at a central intersection of the aforementioned district, on 1st Street, according to reports made on social networks by several witnesses to the event.

As they explain, one possibility is that the driver of the modern Peugeot did not respect the “stop” sign at the intersection between the street he was traveling on and the other one on which the other vehicle was traveling, which had the right of way. When this happened, the jeep hit the Peugeot on the side and the modern, lighter car ended up overturned on the sidewalk.

The damage to the taxi does not seem to be significant, this time the worst part was suffered by a modern car when it received the impact that overturned it. Fortunately, at the time of the collision there were no people walking on that part of the sidewalk, who would have received serious injuries.

Furthermore, the available information indicates that despite the spectacular nature of the crash, no deaths or injuries have been reported, but only material damage to the vehicles involved.

Based on the publications on social networks, Internet users commented on the possibility that the taxi driver was driving at high speed.

The messages in this regard led to an extensive debate about the practices of many drivers of this type of adapted vans and jeeps, which, according to several users, travel at excess speed and are careless with traffic lights and other regulations.

For some, this happens because they are “looking for more trips”, regardless of the cost, while for others the reason is that most of the drivers are not so experienced young people who rent the cars and have to get the most out of them daily.

“Take care of your life, we are at the end of the year, give it a light day in the street because there are many people who want to live and make it to the new year,” commented one of the Internet users who shared the photographs of this Monday’s crash.

Accidents leave people injured and dead almost daily on the island, where this type of event has increased this year compared to 2022. On Saturday, for example, a young driver lost his life in an accident on Havana’s Malecón, and between January and October more than 560 people died from causes of this type.

According to Cuban authorities, the main causes of traffic accidents in the country are related to the human factor: distractions, violation of the right of way and excessive speed.

#Strong #impact #private #taxi #leaves #Peugeot #overturned #sidewalk

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