strong on set, insecure in life. Failure to get pregnant is not a priority –

by time news
from Valerio Cappelli

The actress in a teen-comedy welcomes the “slightly nerdy” daughter of her best friend who has died. “I too, like in the film, have had my meetings wrong, my friends say that at the cinema I reward the toilets I had in masochistic periods”

CAGLIARI What happens to the girl protagonist of Love & Gelato by Brandon Camp (from 22 on Netflix, premiered at the Filming Italy Sardegna Festival in Forte Village), Valentina Lodovini lived it, and that is the journey as an uprooting «to dive into a dream that was cinema. I came from the Tuscan countryside, I wanted to do the Experimental Center, thinking that now in those corridors there is my photo as a former pupil dressed as Piero Tosi makes an impression on me. I found myself in a hotel called Cinecittà. I didn’t know anyone. I was 22 years old ».

In this teen-comedy, Valentina is a lonely woman who loves life and welcomes the daughter of her best friend, an American photographer who has died, on her training journey. “The girl is a bit of a nerd, clumsy, a Bridget Jones 15 years younger. In Rome she will meet two boys, she will change the way she looks at the world and her vision of her life “. She will also make wrong encounters and Valentina says: «It happened to me too. I have had beautiful and hallucinating boyfriends, especially toilets. My friends say that in movies I get rewarded for the toilets I had in my masochistic times. They also say it for my character, convinced as they are that the characters that happen to me are better than me ». Are you thinking of her reputation as a pain in the ass? «No, on the contrary, that is a rumor that has been created over time I don’t know how, I’m not at all, I’m just a person with a high ethical sense of work. Then on the set I adapt. I am careful not to complain, sometimes unnecessary short circuits are created, I remember well that at 16 I was helping my parents in their appliance store. Today I am aware of my privileges ».

And what are her friends referring to then? “The fact that I am more insecure than the women in my films, who are so strong, sunny, conditioned by my physicality. Up until now, I have never brought my insecurity into the picture. Physicality tells one thing, interiority another. I haven’t had a movie stitched on me yet. But at the theater I had a magnificent opportunity in Franca Rame’s monologue The whole house, bed and church: I divide myself between four women, singing, dancing, acting, I also interpret their men, many voices, bodies, dialects. When I had to enter the scene I felt like an animal whose cage was opened ».

In the film, she tells the girl that she is not afraid to be herself. «It is the most difficult battle». What are you afraid of? “There are many reasons, the war, the pandemic, the environment. I am 44 years old, I think of my grandchildren ». The lack of motherhood … “It has never been a priority, it is something that does not belong to me, I say this with profound respect, but it does not mean that it does not have a maternal meaning”. Love & Gelato is a bit like America looks at us Italians, the passion for food, the fact that we drive cars like crazy … “That’s how they see us, of course we are not just that stuff, but I would like to say that from the director Brandon Camp, who is from Los Angeles, I felt esteemed, wanted, asked to see all my filmography. Thinking back to the plot of the film, I have never made the training trip, if it is an escape from reality it is useless. The best thing, if we undertake a work on ourselves, is to have no expectations ».

© Time.News

June 10, 2022 (change June 10, 2022 | 20:01)

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