Strong response from İnce to the call made by CHP deputies: You are not believable

by time news

Homeland Party Muharrem İnce, who gathered 100,000 signatures for the elections to be held on May 14 and became the official presidential candidate, made a statement at the headquarters of his party. Speaking about the call made by 107 former CHP deputies to support Kılıçdaroğlu, İnce used harsh expressions.

Indicating that he is a friend of 107 deputies, Ince said, “I find their call meaningful. But I am not a CHP member right now, I am the chairman of the Homeland Party. They are members of the CHP. They should make that call to their chairman, not me.” said.

Stiffening his words, İnce continued his speech as follows: “I say this to my friends: Friends, what did you do when the CHP’s statute was being anti-democratized. Did you speak up? What did you do when the Turkish flag was raised from the party’s press conference hall? “What did you do when they lied on election night? What did you do when Atatürk was insulted within the CHP? What did you do when the primary election was abolished? Those who do not even get upset while all these anti-democratic practices in the party are going on, and those who are worried about their seats, cannot talk to me about democracy today.”

I remind them of their past behavior. You never raised your voice. Where were you? You were my friend. We worked together. I didn’t get any reaction from any of you. Did you react when Atatürk was insulted and called the Dersim massacrer? That’s why they don’t seem very convincing to me.”

The following statements were included in the call made by CHP deputies:

“Mr. Muharrem İnce, we, our members of parliament, who are lovers of Atatürk and the secular republic he founded, have never doubted your patriotism, your love of Atatürk and the Republic, and your determination to fight on this path. Because you have served this cause in solidarity with us for many years. You have fulfilled important duties. Appreciation. You would say that the first priority of Turkey these days is to get rid of this monstrous regime, the one-man system and especially the Erdogan dictatorship, which is dragging our country into an outdated dark structure as soon as possible.

This election will be an election where the choice of republic or sharia will be voted on. For this reason, we want to believe that in the 100th anniversary of our republic, it will decide to be a part of the great solidarity formed against those who aim to declare an outdated regime. We, our MP friends, CHP voters and millions of people who are in favor of the secular democratic Atatürk republic, will never forget the self-sacrifice you will make with the decision you will make so that the lovers of the secular democratic republic can unite with one heart against the ill-wishers. We greet you with these feelings and want to be proud of you as a result of the constructive steps you will take. Stay with love, stay with the Republic, stay with Atatürk…”

The list of 107 names who called İnce is as follows: “Mehmet Tomanbay, Enis Tütüncü, Şükrü Elekdağ, Esfender Korkmaz, Sacid Yıldız, Mustafa Özyurt, Mustafa Timisi, Hasan Akyol, Mustafa Gazalcı, Nevin Gaye Erbatur, Mustafa Yılmaz, Abdülkadir Ateş, Tahir Köse , Ensar Öğüt, Gani Aşık, Bayram Meral, Bülent Baratalı, Yüksel Çengel, Halil Çulhaoğlu, İsmail Değer, Muhsin Koçyiğit, İbrahim Tez, Güneş Gürseler, İsmet Çanakçı, Züheyir Amber, Hüseyin Özcan, Ali Cumhur Yaka, Fahrettin Üstün, Kemal Sağ, Vezir Akdemir, Türkan Miçooğulları, Nadir Saraç, Hüseyin Bayındır, Mehmet Parlakyiğit, Metin Somuncu, Selahattin Öcal, Ömer Çiftçi, Sedat Uzunbay, Hasan Güyüldar, Ruşen Işın, Mustafa Yıldız, İbrahim Taşdemir, Halil Ünlütepe, Yüksel Chorbacıoğlu, İsmail Özay, Mehmet Küçükaşık , Harun Akın, Osman Çoşkunoğlu, Muharrem Toprak, Ersoy Bulut, Atilla Emek, Arsan Savaş Arpacıoğlu, Altan Tuna, Necati Uzdil, Ahmet Yılmaz Kaya, Vahit Çekmez, Şefik Zengin, Erdal Karademir, Mehmet Kartal, Muharrem Kılıç, Feridun Ayva zoğlu, Erol Tınaztepe, Vedat Melik, Şevket Köse, Celal Topkan, Ali Haydar Şahin, Ali Ahmet Ertürk, Musa Çam, Selçuk Ayhan, Şevki Kulkuloğlu, Metin Arif Ağaoğlu, Hulusi Güvel, Yaşar Ağyüz, Erol Ağagil, Zeki Ünal, Fuat Erçetin, Mahmut Keçeli, Ahmet Ersin, Mustafa Kul, Rıza Yılmaz, Ali Haydar Erdoğan, Zeki Naci Tarhan, Ahmet Güzel, Tevfik Koçak, Atila Hun, Çetin Bilgir, Bahattin Alagöz, Kazım Özev, Naci Aslan, Hüseyin Güler, Orhan Eraslan, Ali Yiğit, Orhan Sür, Orhan Diren, Ali Oksal, Sabri Yavuz, Şadan Şimşek, Beşer Baydar, Feramuz Şahin, Abdülaziz Author, Ufuk Özkan, Malik Ecder Özdemir, Mahmut Işık, Halil Çalık, Ali Günay, Numan Gültekin, Hilmi Develi”

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