Student who tried to attack with a knife will go through an audience in Rio this Thursday (30) – News

by time news

The 15-year-old teenager who attempted a knife attack at the Manoel Cícero Municipal School, in Gávea, south of Rio, has a hearing scheduled for this Thursday (30), at the Naap (Presentation Hearing Nucleus) with the judge of the Childhood and Youth Court.

Yesterday, he was heard by the MP-RJ (Rio Public Ministry), according to information from the TJ-RJ (Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice).

The young man was apprehended by the police, on Tuesday (28), after pulling a knife inside the classroom. He was immobilized by school officials and ended up injuring himself in the head, without seriousness.

The 15th DP (Gávea) opened an inquiry to investigate the case. Colleagues told police that the teenager would be resentful after a supposed heartbreak.

Shortly after the occurrence, the Municipal Secretary of Education, Renan Ferreirinha, said that the report was accurate, as well as the suspected involvement of the teenager with internet forums.

According to Ferreirinha, shortly before the aggression, the young man had a different posture, and the director tried to talk to him. However, the teenager remained looking strange and uneasy. As he drew the knife, the person in charge of the unit used tables and chairs to contain the action.

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