Students at environment class – Pescara

by time news

MONTESILVANO. Students from Montesilvano learn about sustainability and respect for the environment. The activities aimed at the city’s young residents promoted as part of the project “Montesilvano for the Environment 2024/2025” and included in the race for the Blue Flag are ready to start again. The announcement was made by the Councilor for Culture, Corinna Sandias. The initiative, sponsored by the Municipality of Montesilvano and organized by the Amare Montesilvano association, chaired by Renato Petrain collaboration with Formula Ambiente and the Nuovo Saline association, will engage the kids in six cleaning interventions, an ecological cycle-walk, 45 themed workshops and the “Riciclosa” competition. The latter, now in its third edition, proposes the culture of recycling in a playful way through a positive competition that has the following aims and purposes: to increase knowledge of waste materials, to implement the school-family-territory relationship, to network between schools, to increase the percentage of recycled plastic in the city; to promote charity through donations to a local association.
As for the cleaning interventions, three will involve the seafront, two will have a park as a theater in collaboration with the Pescara coast guard and one will be carried out inside the pine forest of Santa Filomena, in collaboration with the forestry carabinieri of the Biodiversity department. And again, the ecological cycle-walk will take place along the coast and will be enriched by a themed meeting scheduled at Bicigrill Abruzzo. Finally, as for the educational workshops: they will range from those on the biodiversity of the river and the protection of the sea, passing through those on biodiversity, to arrive at the painting and carpentry workshops. (a.l.)

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