It premieres from today, Wednesday, August 28, and until October 15 “Student’s basket”.

At the same time, the checks by the Interagency Market Control Unit on the profit margin and price increases on school supplies began.

The fine for related violations has increased fivefold and has risen to 5 million euros following a legislative initiative by the Ministry of Development.

The Minister of Development, Takis Theodorikakos, asked the businesses in the sector, not only not to proceed with price increases, but to reduce the profit margin, so that school supplies are cheaper than last year.

What is included in the “student basket”

The student’s basket includes:

  • School bags
  • Caskets
  • Notebooks / pads (and notebook labels and covers)
  • Wooden or mechanical pencils
  • Colored markers / crayons
  • Pen
  • Erasers
  • Scrapers
  • Diabetes
  • Rulers (set of geometrical instruments)
  • Photocopy paper.

How the public is informed

Informing the consumer public about the products participating in the initiative is mandatory:

  • Through a special mark placed on the products or in their physical or electronic sales area or in any means by which the products are advertised to the consumer,
  • by posting, at the entrance of each store, a clear list/catalogue of the products that make up the household basket as well as the prices at which the products are offered,
  • through at least one separate point of sale, in a prominent position of the store, where the products are placed and made available to the consumer public.

It is also worth noting that if the stocks of a product participating in the initiative run out in one or more stores, businesses must temporarily replace the out-of-stock product with a corresponding product available at the same or lower price and in the same or greater quantity.

If there is no such product in the store, the obligees ensure the supply of the store where the product sold out within two days with a sufficient quantity of the sold-out product or inform the Ministry of Development and the e-katanalotis digital platform for the definitive replacement of the product in all of their stores. The new product should also be in adequacy. Definitive product replacement is allowed only once until the new regular product catalog submission.

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