Students from the San Martín School staged a sit-in demanding the lack of water, toilets and benches | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-09-01 02:31:17

Some 200 students from the General San Martín Superior School demonstrated in the surroundings of that capital institution claiming for building deficiencies and lack of authorities. It was the students of the upper level who led the claim that also included marching through the streets surrounding the school.

According to Johana Carrizo, president of the College’s Student Center, the problems come from last year, referring to the lack of authorities. “We do not have maximum authority and that harms us when making a formal request or claim. It began last year when there was a problem with the rector and vice president, they were removed from office and they put auditors who for some reason also ended going,” said the student. Carrizo went on to explain what happened on Wednesday when the only authority that was in charge decided to resign due to the delay in the appointment: “We were left without a regent because he resigned. He had taken office in May but at this point he was not paid and no one can live for so many months without charging”, explained the president of the Student Center.

According to Carrizo, the absence of authorities will harm the students much more this coming month when the evaluation stage begins, we need the signature of an executive to endorse the exams and today we do not have it. We feel helpless,” he said.

Another of the biggest problems of the school occurs in the building part. The girl listed a series of problems: “We don’t have lighting, the classrooms are dark, we don’t have benches or chairs, there are classrooms with 60 students where three of them have to sit on a bench or on the floor to take the class , the doors are without handles,” he said.

Insecurity is another issue, added the girl. “We need greater security, they rob us when we leave because the streets are dark and we are finishing at 10 at night. In addition, a motorcycle was recently stolen from inside the school and they left as if nothing had happened because of the entrance it gives to United States Street,” he said.

From the Ministry of Education, Carlos Canga, director of Higher Education, who heard the claim of the students and teachers who joined the march, was present. “If we do not have a solution, we are going to continue with this type of claim next week and the idea is that students from other levels join in.”

#Students #San #Martín #School #staged #sitin #demanding #lack #water #toilets #benches #Cuyos #diary

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