Students Illuminate Their Campus with Celestial-Themed Mural in Celebration of Environmental Education Program’s 10th Anniversary

by time news

2024-08-06 21:45:02


Professor María Angélica López, creator of the Astronomy workshop along with Professor Camila Aravena González, coordinator of the 2023 environmental education program, and on the occasion of the celebration of the program’s 10th anniversary, proposed to the institution the improvement of sector two, specifically the area located in the dome, outside the astronomy academy and archery workshop, through the creation of a mural with the theme of thousands of stars, astronomical observation. The universe.


The students of the environmental education program, committed to improving their space, collaborating with the needs of the community and creating joy in their space, were the ones who executed from August to December, in the company of Professor Camila Aravena G. A mural extending over 5 walls to celebrate human curiosity, the mystery represented by the universe, and the secrets that exist within it.


The participating students are:

Anais Catalán Rodríguez 8º F

Viviana Lagos Montecinos 8 º C

Sofía López Suarez 8 º C

Isaías Vivanco Escobar 2 medio J

Hugo Olivares Catalán 3 medio J

Fernando Requena González F 3 medio F

Collaboration: Vicente Díaz Osorio 1 medio O, CE.I.N. environmental 2023


We hope as an environmental education program to continue working for our community, our architectural and heritage space, generating happiness and joy in every corner and collaborating with the needs of other teaching spaces, such as workshops and academies. We request the commitment of the entire community to maintain, care for, and protect this beautiful work which originated from the start from collaborative work, camaraderie, and commitment to our Institute.


“All things are in the Universe, and the Universe is in all things: we are in it, and it is in us; in this way, everything coincides in perfect unity.”



Students Illuminate Their Campus with Celestial-Themed Mural in Celebration of Environmental Education Program’s 10th Anniversary

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