Studies show that drinking coffee every day reduces the risk of heart disease

by time news

Melbourne | There are several health benefits to drinking coffee every day. Studies show that they help improve digestion and prevent liver disease. Studies show that drinking a cup of coffee a day reduces the risk of dying from heart disease by 10 percent to 15 percent. Peter M., a researcher at the University of Melbourne, says that drinking coffee is good for heart health. Kissler said. Researchers have looked at whether drinking coffee protects the heart. The study included more than 382,500 adults without heart disease, with an average age of 57 years.

Research has shown that people who drink coffee every day are less likely to have heart problems. Researchers have found that people who drink about one cup of coffee a day are less likely to die of a heart attack or coronary heart disease. The study also found that coffee reduces the risk of premature death.

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